
We had a very clear vision before anyone else

DQI Bureau
New Update

What is .tel? Why is this so revolutionary?

Technically .tel is a new Top Level Domain (TLD) like .com or .asia. But the

similarity ends there. Instead of hosting a website, it enables you to store

your information on the infrastructure of the Internet. Its creator, Telnic, is

the first company to use the DNS, which usually just translates domain names

into Web IP addresses, to store all means of communication. By storing

information directly into the DNS, there is no need for a website: information

is just quickly, easily accessible to any connected device, in real time.


How does it work? How secure are the information stores in .tel?

All existing TLDs map domain names to a website. For example, if you enter

any website name into a browser, the DNS replies with an IP Address. Your

browser then uses this IP address to locate and load the required website. When

.tel queries this same DNS system with a domain, the contact information and key

words that has been stored as industry recognized records directly into the DNS

are returned. You can then click on any of the contact items and be immediately


How has this technology been developed by Telnic?

We had thought of the concept several years back. But we took time to

develop it and then there were subsequent testing and other related processes.

The product was finally ready last year with all types of related supports

required. We are backed by Siemens, and with us on board are several top DNS

experts. We put in some serious efforts toward developing the .tel registry and

finally succeeded since we had a very clear vision on the same before anyone

else; how to use DNS to develop the .tel registry.

Who are the target audience?

The main users for this are the corporates since individuals dont require a

website, neither do they want to get tangled with the regular maintenance and

update required for websites. Its time to involve these individuals.

Undoubtedly there is a requirement of something more handy, something like a

digital identity or business card valid through the lifetime for both the

corporate as well as the individual segments. .Tel caters to this demand


Piyali Guha
