
"Unified Wireless" in the Air

DQI Bureau
New Update

The enterprise network infrastructure is evolving. Traditional wired
enterprises are now tasked to support wireless devices such as laptops, PDAs,
and VoWLAN phones. They are also expected to deliver advanced services, such as
greater security, seamless mobility and guaranteed quality of service (QoS).
Wireless access, one of the several factors driving these advanced services, is
currently provided as a separate overlay network on top of the wired
infrastructure. From an IT perspective, the need to manage two distinctly
different networks has always added to the complexity and proved to be a drain
on the resources.


By contrast, a single network would simplify management, deployment,
provisioning and security for all users. However, it must be engineered from a
blank slate for its peak performance.

Ubiquitous wireless access

Ethernet (802.11 or Wi-Fi) continues to improve in terms of performance,
security, scalability and manageability. The ongoing standards process has
addressed many of the most pressing concerns for enterprise customers, including
interoperability, security (802.11i) and quality of service (802.11e).
Compelling new applications like VoWLAN, using dual mode (cellular and Wi-Fi)
handsets, will further increase its appeal. In many cases, wireless is becoming
a preferred method for accessing enterprise resources. Therefore, companies must
provide wireless coverage throughout the enterprise.

E-nabling unified networks

A new, third generation approach is required to enable the mass deployment
of wireless access in the enterprise. Networking equipment must be based on
dedicated, purpose-built silicon to overcome the shortcomings of current
solutions. However, application-specific silicon should not simply be an
integration of standard components used in second-generation systems. To
effectively address the unique packet processing requirements of unified
wired/wireless networks, the silicon must be built using an architecture
designed from the ground up. Such purpose-built silicon must be capable of
switching wireless and wired traffic as well as supporting in-line/wire-speed
processing of various packet types, multiple encapsulations, different security
protocols, mobility standards and traffic management functions. Using a single
piece of silicon will also lower cost and provide the best combination of
price/performance, features, scalability and simplicity of design.

What CIOs
need to look at
The CIO faces
the unenviable task of managing the ever-growing expectations
of users, emerging technologies, and overall cost. The current
generation of wireless LAN infrastructure systems consists of
purpose-built embedded platforms, built around standard,
off-the-shelf semiconductors. Such systems typically include a
wired L2/L3 switch, network processor(s), security co-processor(s),
and a high performance control plane CPU. These semiconductor
components are not optimized to handle packet processing
requirements of a combined wireless and wired network. Here
are some of key aspects all CIOs need to address:

With the enterprise workforce becoming increasingly mobile,
the network infrastructure must deliver seamless network
connectivity. Enterprise networks should be able to transfer a
VoWLAN call from one access point to another. Similarly, a
laptop user should be able to move from one location to
another without having to re-establish user credentials.
Methods used for user authentication need to be harmonized,
regardless of whether the user is accessing the network
remotely over a broadband connection or wirelessly within the
enterprise or using traditional wired connection.
Advanced QoS

The need for QoS to support a variety of packet streams such
as voice, video and data is well understood in wired networks.
Access over a wireless medium, which is a shared and
comparatively low bandwidth medium, adds another dimension to
the QoS challenge. Next generation networks must support
delivery of different packet types from different connectivity
environments, without compromising the performance.
Perimeter Security

With the proliferation of wireless access points, the entire
LAN edge of the enterprise network becomes vulnerable. So
networks must evolve to address this security challenge. All
users trying to connect to the LAN cannot be assumed to be
legitimate users, and therefore, some form of trust-based
access policies ("wireless" or "perimeter"
firewall) must be implemented at the network (LAN) endpoints
inside the enterprise.

Total Cost of Ownership

With the increase
in services, network administrators must be able to control,
configure, manage and diagnose problems quickly and
efficiently. Unified architecture will allow centralized
control, reducing the overall cost of managing the network.

Advanced network services and wireless technology have pushed the limits of
current generation networking equipment. For enterprises to truly leverage the
benefits that combined wireless and wired networks provide, the network
infrastructure must move in the direction of one network edge with no limits on
performance, security, mobility and scalability.

Market dynamics

Wireless networking is here and growing rapidly. Enterprises have overcome
their early hesitation in embracing wireless networking. The desire for mobility
in the workplace-which is seen as a way to increase productivity -is driving
the demand for wireless networks and applications. At the same time, some
companies view wireless as the ideal solution for providing network access for
"greenfield" deployments. In addition, concerns about standards and
security have been met.


The need for unified wired and wireless networks has created a growing market
opportunity. Until now, enterprises were treating WLAN networks as overlay
networks, distinct from their wired networks. But network managers would now
prefer to work with a single, unified, seamless network. Users can then take
advantage of traditionally wired services, while accessing the network using the
mode that is most appropriate to their application.

OEMs are looking for ways to add value and improve profitability. While WLAN
device shipments have exceeded forecasts, average selling prices for devices
like wireless switches are falling quickly. OEMs need new, dedicated silicon
technologies that allow them to build more intelligence into their products and
improve performance, while maintaining their margins and lowering the overall
cost of production.

Today, the only silicon solutions in the market that meet feature-performance
requirements for unified network management are based on technology that was
designed for other purposes. These solutions are costly, and do not offer
compelling features or performance as well as require a long time to develop.
What is required is a ground up approach, especially targeted to resolve this



Wireless standards have been growing to embrace various issues like QoS,
security, mobility and interoperability. Many new standards have emerged in
these areas:

  • 802.11i-Security
  • 802.11e-QoS
  • 802.11p-Wireless in automobile
  • 802.16-WiMax
  • Capwap (standard between WTP and Edge network/WLAN Switch)

A lot of R&D activity is happening on how to percolate
unified networks into the enterprise at reasonable costs. Several startups and
chip vendors are working on the latest standards and technologies.


Anirudh Mathuria, Country Head, Sinett
Semiconductor India
