The alleged Twitter account @IndianMujahidin that has been reportedly traced to Pakistan has been suspended by the microblogging company. The handler, though unverified, took responsibility of Bodh Gaya blasts and on July 6 warned of terror strikes in Mumbai.
It tweeted: "hamara agla target Mumbai hai, rok sako to rok lo, 7 days left" (Our next target is Mumbai, stop, if you can, 7 days left). It earlier tweeted: "9 dhamake humne karay (We carried out nine blasts).
The probe agencies such as NIA are yet to ascertain the exact location of origin and are supposed to zero-in IP address that might be a proxy. However, Twitter is yet to provide details to the Indian government.
It could possibly, a prank as the word: Mujahideen is mis-spelt in alleged Twitter account. Twitter handle @IndianMujahidin, till the time of suspension were following five individuals including Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni and had just two tweets.
Following Twitter threat, security has been beefed up in entire Mumbai. Meanwhile, the Centre has also asked the Maharashtra government to secure strategic locations.
First Published in CIOL