
Top IT Skills that will be in Demand in 2023

Employees will need a few top IT skills to roles that require strategic, creative and emotional intelligence interventions

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top IT skills

The digital transformation that has occurred over the past two years has created an environment of constant change and rebirth. Many jobs are changing and new roles are being invented every passing day. As some positions and skills become obsolete others will take their place and this cycle of change is likely here to stay. As per reports, 75% of companies in the technology domain are facing a shortage of skilled employees on an ongoing basis. The need for constant upskilling and reskilling is thus higher than ever before.


While AI and automation will continue to be  big drivers of growth across sectors, data for decision making and machine intelligence for smart routine jobs will be high in demand. However, along with technology skills, employees will need to be skilled to roles that require strategic, creative and emotional intelligence interventions. In 2023 and beyond, for us to be successful, we will need to develop skills that augment the use of technology integrated with the humane side of employees. 

Top IT skills that will be in demand

1. Data Literacy


Data literacy refers to the ability to read vast amounts of data, analyze it, and also communicate with data and machines. It is a quintessential skill for all levels of the organization that enables employees to build knowledge and make decisions based on data patterns and behavior. The global marketing intelligence firm, IDC, predicts that there will be a five-fold increase in the quantity of data by 2025. In such a scenario, data literacy is not just a passive requirement but a critical one.

2. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

AI and ML have become buzzwords in the industry over the past three years. With automation becoming ever more present, it represents both a challenge and an opportunity for organizations. The Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum, suggests that 85 million jobs worldwide will be replaced by artificial intelligence by 2025. However, the report also suggests that 97 million jobs are likely to be created as well. IT professionals who have AI and Ml knowledge will be in demand in other industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, and telecommunications as well.


3. Blockchain Development

Blockchain for business has become an integral part of any organization as it boosts security, improves transparency, and offers instant traceability. Blockchain technologies also reduce paperwork and human error, and eliminate the need for middlemen. Employees with enhanced cybersecurity and cryptography skills are in high demand among employers in the IT sector. Blockchain technology is constantly evolving and professionals must keep pace with the changes and have a continuous learning mindset as well. 

4. Innovation Management


In today’s constantly evolving and competitive world, innovation management has emerged as a crucial skill for both organizations and individuals to possess. This is especially true for people managers, product managers, and project managers. Essentially, innovation management is the process of understanding and managing any new innovation from the ideation to the final stage. Innovation management helps drive business growth, improves customer satisfaction, and improves employee engagement as well. With new technologies constantly emerging, how organizations manage innovation will define future success or failure. 

5. Data Communicator/Storyteller

Data communication and storytelling is a valuable skill set that is going to be sought after in 2023 and beyond. Research has shown that 70% of jobs in the sector are likely to be working with data and the ability to evaluate, analyze, interpret, and use data is going to be critical for organizations in the sector. This corresponds to the ability to translate and understand data while communicating it effectively using both visual and written mediums. Skilled storytellers will also need to have the ability to use tools and explain the importance of specified data to their businesses verticals. In essence, having data without understanding their meaning is pointless and this is where the role of data communicators is going to be critical going forward. 


6.Digital Marketing

Increasingly, marketing is being driven by automation and tech skills are a must for any digital marketer today. While creativity and innovation will continue to drive marketing processes, the ability to use SEO tools, marketing analytics, automation tools, and channels such as augmented reality and the metaverse will be crucial moving forward. Augmenting creativity with artificial intelligence will also ensure that market segmentation and targeting will be done in a streamlined and efficient manner. Marketing teams are beginning to realize the importance of empowering their storytelling through tech driven solutions in order to reach a larger audience. 

7. Soft Skills /Compound Skills


While technical skill requirements in the IT sector are constantly evolving, the need for soft skills beyond communication is also being highlighted in the modern era. Candidates and employees who possess collaborative skills, leadership, organization, time management, resourcefulness, and perseverance are more likely to stand out in a crowd. Recruiters in the tech space are also looking for candidates who can be self-sufficient. Moreover, possessing a  continuous learning mindset has also become a crucial skill not just in the IT sector but across all sectors. 

Annually, India produces approximately 15 lakh engineering graduates, however, less than 3% of those are considered employable. In such a scenario, the mindset for graduates and existing employees should be to look beyond just basic coding skills. Succeeding in such a competitive job market will require a combination of excellent hard skills and a plethora of soft skills as well.  

The article has been written by Neeti Sharma, President & Co-Founder, TeamLease EdTech
