
Top Five Technology Skills That Recruiters Are Looking For

According to Varun Sachdeva, APAC Recruitment and Business Leader, NLB Services, there are top five technology skills in demand

New Update
talent crunch

According to Varun Sachdeva, APAC Recruitment and Business Leader, NLB Services, there are top five technology skills in demand


The world is on a constant state of evolution, and in order to be employable, it is imperative for job seekers to Upskill themselves constantly. Especially when it comes to the dynamic IT industry, transformation has moved on from being just a buzzword to becoming a reality especially post-pandemic. According to a recent Coursera report on industry job skills, each industry reported an increase in the need for technological skills to account for – at the very least – the lack of physical interaction caused by the pandemic. Varun Sachdeva, APAC recruitment and business leader, NLB Services, says that there are top five technology skills that will especially be in demand.

“While the profits of some of the bellwethers may have missed the market estimate, the demand for talent by the IT sector is intact even in the current quarter. In fact, the robust project pipelines especially in areas of digital transformation, cloud, digital payment infrastructure and cybersecurity, and the investments that Indian IT players are making in the emerging technologies will positively impact the talent ecosystem. The demand for talent will grow by 30-40% points in the current quarter. Some of the profiles who will be benefitted are talent skilled in data analytics, cyber security, AI & ML. These key areas will see a surge in demand for the talent pool by at least 35-40% this quarter and beyond,” he said.

He also stated that the growing demand for talent is also leading to attrition. “The attrition levels are still a concern and companies are exploring multiple ways to address the situation. Apart from rejigging the appraisal cycle, investing in up skilling, companies are looking at newer models of talent acquisition. They are exploring RPO (Recruitment process outsourcing). Though not a new concept, the model is fast gaining traction in the industry. RPO projects from the IT industry will witness a 30% growth in Q2,” added Sachdeva.


Top Five Technology Skills That Are in Demand

According to Varun Sachdeva the following are the top five technology skills that will be in demand in the upcoming years:

The top 5 technology skills that will be positively impacted and the kind of growth anticipated for each of them.  

Skill Growth  in hiring expected in Q2
Data analytics 30%
Cyber Security 35%
DevOps 25%
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 40%
RPA (Robotics Process Automation) 20%