
Top 3 Skills Learnt by Indians to Future-proof their Careers 2022-2023

Upskilling can help you stay adaptable in a rapidly changing work environment, which is becoming increasingly important

Preeti Anand
New Update

In 2022, data science was the most learned skill by students in India. According to a Great Learning survey on upskilling trends, management and software engineering were its chief rivals. According to the report, more than 75% of professionals worldwide believe upgrading their skills is necessary to future-proof their careers.


The top industries for professional upskilling in 2022

  • The top industries for professional upskilling in 2022 were BFSI and IT/ITES. The Indian Express claimed that manufacturing, educational services, and pharmaceuticals were the other industries.
  • It's interesting to see that 24% of Indians sought upskilling out of personal curiosity. These trends are frequently observed in developed markets like the USA. In India, 42% of professionals upgraded their skills to find new employment. 25% of professionals wanted to advance their careers within their current organisation.
  • The report also stated that getting a new job was the main incentive for professionals with 0 to 8 years of work experience to upskill. However, those with more than eight years of experience desired career advancement within their existing organisation.
  • In their company, they were upskilling and aided 43% of professionals in advancing their careers. 23% of respondents were able to change domains. 18% of people found new employment.

Is Upskilling yourself an Important aspect in today's world?


Upskilling is very important for a bright career. In today's changing job market, keeping up with new developments and advancements in your field is essential to remain competitive and relevant. By upskilling, you can increase your value to your employer, expand your career options, and earn a higher salary.

Furthermore, upskilling can help you stay adaptable in a rapidly changing work environment, which is becoming increasingly important as new technologies and job roles emerge. 

Overall, upskilling is essential for a bright career and should be seen as an ongoing process throughout your professional life.



The study's results also showed a change in how people see their careers. Professionals are becoming more proactive in planning their careers and directing their pathways. The desire to upskill among Indians has increased by four points from the previous year. 79% of professionals prepared for upskilling last year. That percentage rose to 83 percent in 2023.
