Hewlett-Packard's (HP) announcement of a
new brand of Java Internet programming language for embedded processors certainly has lead
to a plenty of speculation around Silicon Valley that the move shows the Palo Alto
company's willingness to do just about anything to please its new strategic partners,
Intel and Microsoft.
HP's Java move couldn't have been more
blatantly obvious in showing the Palo Alto company willing to do Microsoft's dirty work in
trying to splinter the Java community in the one area where Java has its best chance for
success in combating Microsoft-embedded processor systems.
Of course, from a business point of view,
it can all be easily justified. HP has committed its workstation and server future to
Microsoft's Windows NT OS and the Merced processor HP helped develop with the other half
of the Wintel dynamic dynamo. It's only natural for the company to do a few favors for
Seattle-based software company which will need to develop NT upgrades that should live up
to HP's future expectations.
Microsoft, with antitrust investigators
breathing down its neck, is effectively prevented from making any kind of aggressive move
against Java, such as developing its own embedded Java virtual machine to compete with Sun
rather than adopting Sun's embedded Java solution.
Enter HP
By getting HP to develop and market a similar embedded processor Java engine, Microsoft
effectively killed several birds with a single stone, not the least of which is confusing
the legal issues in Sun's ability to stop Microsoft from developing Java extensions. Now
there are two companies with proprietary Java solutions, and Microsoft can only hope HP is
opening the door for others to follow suit.
Microsoft's immediate and enthusiastic
endorsement of the HP Java software and its promise to put it into Windows CE, speaks
volume about the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that caused HP to become a pawn in
Microsoft domination game plan.
Another indication of HP's complicity in
the anti-Java move was the company's half-baked excuses to justify breaking away from the
Java alliance such as the superficial concerns over development costs and fears that
proprietary HP printer technology could fall into the hands of printer competitors?
No doubt HP, till recently a strong
supporter of Java and its write-once-run-anywhere universal software portability, could
have easily powered its printers and other devices with Sun's Java virtual machine. But
unlike NT-based servers, Java represents few, if any, future revenues for HP.
To see a company like HP having to execute
Bill Gates' anti-Java tactics, is just one more vivid reminder of what a monopoly can, and
will do, to companies who are desperately dependent upon a single supplier for a key
component for their products.