
The LEGO Group launches #LEGOBuildAmazing campaign

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Innovation is seen as the key to progress and growth – the elusive spark that ignites the next big thing. And amazing creations and innovations all spark from remarkable imagination. But concerned with academic pursuits, adults might unknowingly stifle the growth of kids’ imagination - especially as they apply to education and a very narrow definition of success.


With the launch of the #LEGOBuildAmazing campaign, the brand sets out to reframe this emphasis, by highlighting a different route to a child’s success in the world – through the freedom to explore, imagine and create. For 80 years, the LEGO Group has been the building block catalyst of a generation’s creativity, and with this new platform, it aims to showcase to parents how nurturing a creative mind could help builders of tomorrow make a mark in the world.

#LEGOBuildAmazing, which will be rolled out across India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines, is set to be a year-long campaign to reflect the brand’s ongoing commitment to inspire and develop children to think creatively and unleash their future potential for success.

What happens when a child builds with LEGO bricks? And what happens when the LEGO Group sees the build as a blueprint for creativity that will impact the future? To shine a light on this, the brand took ideas that sprung from kids’ pure imagination and turned them into a real, tangible creation.


When a group of children was brought together at a LEGO playground and tasked to build ‘something that can fly’, using just their imagination and LEGO bricks, they came up with an idea that is every bit as fun and imaginative as one could expect – a flying cloud that rains candy.

The innocent idea, built by LEGO bricks and fueled with massive doses of creativity, was then taken to a group of engineering students from the School of Aeronautical Engineering at Singapore Polytechnic, who faced the not-so-easy task of bringing it to life as an actual innovation.

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