Telegram the messaging platform has moved in the new year with innovative updates that promise users an enriched experience. The platform has introduced captivating changes from the dramatic Thanos Snap effect to personalized wallpapers for channels.
The platform is rolling out features that promise to enhance interaction and engagement with these new features channels will gain customization options, allowing the creators to personalize colors, logos, and emoji status.
Here are the details of the innovative updates provided.
- Thanos Snap Effect and Wallpaper customization: Telegram users will now be able to experience the theatrical Thanos Snap Effect while deleting messages. Additionally, channels have gained the ability to set wallpapers allowing for a personalized touch to the messaging experience.
- Redesigned calling experience: The call interface on Telegram has undergone a significant transformation and users will now enjoy new animations and dynamic backgrounds that change based on the call’s status, whether it’s ringing, active, or concluded. This added feature aims to provide a visually appealing calling experience.
- Customizable channel appearance: Telegram channels are now empowered with the capability to personalize their appearance with customized colors, logos for the profile cover, and even emoji status. Users can choose their preferred emojis, and add a fun and expressive element to channel profiles.
- Stories Integration: A major addition added to the platform is the ability to repost messages from channels to stories. This feature allows users to share their favorite content in a visually appealing format that can be moved, resized, and decorated.
- Premium gifts and Custom prizes: The platform has introduced a ‘Gift Premium’ section in the settings menu, making it convenient to share premium benefits. Channels hosting giveaways have also received an upgrade with the ability to set longer durations and specify additional prizes.
- View reposts and photo cutouts: Channels receive statistics to track story performance, providing them with valuable insights. Moreover, the latest update allows users to place photos from their galleries on top of Stories, including the option to remove backgrounds from pet images.
- Bot reactions and management: Telegram bots now can react to messages, and manage reactions, quotes, and links. They can even send replies to other chats or topics, elevating the overall functionality of bots within the platform.
The 10.5.0 release, available on Android and iOS, not only enhances aesthetics but also promises to improve overall performance of the platform. As Telegram continues its journey users can expect more features to be unveiled in the coming months.