The latest failed bombing attack on the Delta Airlines flight from
Amsterdam to Detroit by a terrorist who tried to detonate a firecracker
kind of device in-flight has once again brought to fore the current
state of air security. Post 9/11 security at the airports had underwent
a sea change, while most of the travelling public have gotten used to
tighter security regime, the latest terror attack on Delta Airlines has
opened up the debate about whether the current security practices are
good enough to counter the changing nature of terror attacks.
The strategy most of the counter terrorism experts advocate is that
airports should up its technology adoption and must find more
innovative use of IT and scanning technologies which can seamlessly
blend to create a fool proof security mechanism in place. While US and
in the Europe use fingerprint scanning and some cities use full body
scan, but it’s not across all airports. Making it a mandatory
security process will go a long way in pinning potential attackers at
the points of exit. Many airports in the US had already deployed these
scanners and it is expected to go pan US very soon. And many EU
countries are also toying with idea of enabling airports with full body
security scanners.
edge technology
The full body scanners use cutting edge technology and as of now there
are two major types of scanners in vogue. One is called the Millimetre
wave scanners and the other Backscatter scanners. The former uses very
high frequency radio waves which are sent to a computer that
manipulates it into a 3D image. Meanwhile the Backscatter scanners uses
high energy rays which has the ability to go through the objects and
when it hits a suspicious object, it gets scattered and the deflected
energy produces a detailed view of the image by rendering it. These
images can be anything that the traditional metal detectors fail to
detect like plastic bombs, objects concealed in shoes, and plastic
explosives. The beauty of both the type of scanners is that they can
see through multiple layers of clothing and precisely separate the body
from the potentially dangerous objects strapped on to a passenger. The
whole scanning process takes less than a minute and with advanced
computing and imaging technologies the accuracy of identification is
almost 100%
But across the world privacy rights groups have been advocating that
these scanners enable security officers to see nude images of people
and hence it can be misused. But experts have dismissed it as an
unwarranted fear as these images were never stored and it gets erased
and moreover it is too difficult to identify a person’s
facial features from the images. But there is no exact data available
on whether these images can be further refined into a positive image
from a typical 3D negative. However some of the image manipulation
techniques will be able to build an exact image of the person from the
scanned images. Hence privacy groups argue that any misuse of the
scanned image will have a damaging impact of individual’s
privacy. But the latest developments have put the privacy issue in the
back burner and fool proof security has come into focus. So in the days
ahead, most of the airports in the west will deploy full body scanners.
So the biggest question is will Indian airports go the global way? As
of now manual frisking is the only sure shot method here- which again
is prone to error. The Intelligence Bureau has told the government on
the urgent need for full body scanners at Indian airports, it up to the
Bureau of Civil Aviation and Security (BCAS) to strongly lobby with the
government to ensure that at least in major airports these scanners are
Technology for Safer Skies
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