Manish Sharma, VP and Chief Product Officer, Connected Buildings, Honeywell, discussed Honeywell Forge for buildings, at the Honeywell event in Charlotte, USA.
The sustainable building is an integrated approach to support customers' sustainability goals. Customer needs include optimizing energy use, improve occupant well-being, reduce carbon footprint, improve resiliency, and certify and benchmark. Carbon also needs to be controlled. Else, it will affect our climate even more. You can get lower utility bill, improve indoor air quality, reduce carbon footprint, supply and demand side power management, track governance, and gain third-party certifications.
Carbon and energy management come to the fore. With Honeywell Forge, you can track the energy use intensity, Scope 1 and Scope 2 total carbon emissions, and utility bill information with advanced reporting. Forge integrates with any BMS. It provides near-real-time energy consumption, baselining, and alarms/alerts with better control of building portfolio. You can optimize energy consumption by building assets autonomously.
So, which assets use the most energy, and emit the most carbon in buildings? HVAC leads with 35%, followed by lighting 27%, miscellaneous 14% , plug loads 13% , water heating 6%, elevator 4%, and refrigeration 2%. This criteria differs across each building. Many building owners and operators likely lack the knowledge and tools, and properly measure and optimize the energy and carbon footprints.
For the path to sustainability, we can start by monitoring, controlling and optimizing, and later, decarbonizing. We can reach and maintain the carbon reduction goals. This is a really a long journey. There can be deficiencies, if there are no proper upgradation policies.
Honeywell Forge sustainability for buildings includes carbon and energy management, and power and demand management solutions. In the first, we understand a building's energy, take corective action, improve IAQ, use AI/ML algorithms, etc. You can gain energy efficiency and improved resiliency by continuous optimization of energy consumption by building assets. Triage control leads to quick assessment of asset issues, with access to trends and live values, including resolution recommendations.
We can capture data consumption across a building or portfolio. This helps gain easy-to-access data, and maximize assets and resources. We can identify inefficiencies across the HVAC.
Carbon and energy management monitor package includes tracking multi-site energy and carbon data, benchmarking sites for energy efficiency, manage utility data, and standardize reporting. Carbon and energy management control package includes integrating with any BMS, monitoring live meter data, supporting a healthier environment, and identifying energy consumption.
Carbon and energy management optimize package includes optimizing energy-intensive assets, reduces needs for manual intervention, provides flexibility to set modes tuned to outcomes, and help achieve Well certifications. You can gain energy efficiency and improved resiliency by optimizing HVAC equipment performance, using AI/ML algorithms to optimize your building around your desired energy consumption and IAQ levels.
You can digitize and automate with Honeywell Sine. We offer software to help you boost site safety, security, efficiency, and compliance, without compromising visitor experience. The Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI), enabled by Honeywell Forge for Buildings, delivers smarter facilities through integration of things – promoting real outcomes in real time.
Healthy buildings
Healthy buildings can help improve occupant and visitor well-being, increase employee productivity, attract talent, support compliance, and enable analytics-based decision making. The occupant experience includes collaborating and informative, provide convenience by using biometric experience, healthier spaces, and be more sustainable. Today, occupants want healthier and sustainable spaces. The office is alive, with hybrid and return to office is on the fire.
Trends driving healthy buildings include contact-free economy, workplace well-being, great resignation, urbanization, and ESG. Healthy building outcomes include occupant well-being, productivity, talent recruitment and retention, compliance, and analytics-based decision making.
Honeywell has an extensive healthy buildings solutions. For buildings predictive maintenance, we visualize the building performance, improve asset reliability, and continuous monitoring.