As we all know that Apple was incorporated on January 3, 1977. Today when you open up your MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro, everybody knows that you are using Mac due to its glowing Apple logo.However, it hasn’t always been that way. There was a time when Apple logos were upside down on the lid of Apple notebooks until Steve Jobs reversed his design decision.
Joe Moreno, a former Apple employee, has explained the story (in his blog) behind that upside down Apple logo on late Apple notebooks.
Moreno in his blog post said that "we had some discussions at Apple about the placement of the logo on the back of Apple’s laptops.
Apple staff confused by the design decision used the company's anonymous internal question system Can We Talk? to ask "Why is the Apple logo upside down on laptops when the lid is open?"
Apparently, the Apple Design Group had a long discussion on the issue of the Apple Logo on the lid. If the logo faces the user when he or she opens the laptop, then it's upside down when the lid is up.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs always focussed on providing the best experience for the user and believed that it was more important to satisfy the user than the onlooker.Therefore, the Apple logo was initially placed to be upside down to onlookers.After few years, Jobs reversed his decision.
"Opening a laptop from the wrong end is a self-correcting problem that only lasts a few seconds. However, viewing the upside logo is a problem that lasts indefinitely," added Moreno in his blog post.
According to Bloomberg report, the upside down Apple logo was a big issue for Hollywood studios. Apple famously loans its products to Hollywood studios to have them featured onscreen, and some filmmakers used stickers to make the logo appear the correct way up on camera.