
State Portals/State Service Delivery Gateways

DQI Bureau
New Update

About the Area: After the SDC, SWAN and CSC, State portals/SSDGs are the next
step in ensuring that the government services reach the citizens. While creating
a portal and service delivery gateway for each state would not incur too much of
IT expenditure, the reason we have selected this in this list is because we
believe this would evolve to become a sustainable opportunity. State portals aim
at providing a single place (in future, probably integrated) for providing easy,
anywhere and anytime access to government services.


IT Opportunity: In the next few months, we expect at least a dozen states
will float their tenders for this. Dataquest estimates the total opportunity to
be in the range of Rs 500 crore for all the states in India. But we also believe
that they would be upgraded to make them accessible through more channels and in
more user friendly way.

Recent IT Contracts Awarded: No state has implemented this yet, though a few
have floated the tenders. Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh
have floated the tenders while many states have empaneled the implementation
