
Six tips for security teams to protect organizational data

Here are six quick tips from Microsoft Security on how security teams can protect their organizations from cyber-attacks

New Update

The unprecedented rise of digital platforms and increased dependence on shared technology have increased our exposure to cyber-attacks. According to Cyber Signals, a Microsoft Threat Intelligence Report, basic cybersecurity hygiene can go as far as protecting against 98% of attacks. 


Here are six quick tips from Microsoft Security on how security teams can protect their organizations from cyber-attacks:

  1. Accelerate safeguards through zero-trust practices: As ransomware thrives on default or compromised credentials, reduce risk by implementing zero-trust practices like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless upgrades on all user accounts and prioritizing configurations and other privileged roles.
  1. Monitor and act on anomalies: Though early logins, file movement, and other behaviors that introduce ransomware can seem nondescript, teams need to identify how to spot telltale anomalies in time to act on them swiftly.
  1. Manage alerts and move fast on mitigation: Strengthen weak security configurations that allow the ransomware attack to succeed and manage security configurations so alerts and detections are being responded to properly. 
  1. Visualize and practice full restorations:  Have a ransomware response plan and conduct recovery exercises to understand how full restorations will look. 
  1. Audit access privileges: Practice frequent audits of access privileges, using the principle of least-privilege granted to enable employees to get jobs done. 
  1. Verify the authenticity of users and activities: Thoroughly review all tenant administrator users or accounts tied to delegated administrative privileges to verify their authenticity and disable or remove any unused delegated administrative privileges. 