
Removing Defects In Software Quality

DQI Bureau
New Update

During the last

three decades, software engineering practitioners have produced many prediction

models. However, it is difficult to predict the behavior of the software before

it is actually being used. A good defect removal model must be able to provide

early signals of warning or of improvement so that timely actions can be planned

and implemented. It should be possible to manage and monitor the quality of the

software when it is under development.


Defect removal is

one of the top expanse elements in any software project. Effective defect

removal leads to:

  • Reduced development cycle


  • Reduced product cost

  • Improved product quality

  • Increased customer




Literature speaks

about the phase-based defect removal model used for predicting defects removed

at the end of each phase. Defects injected, removed and escaped in each phase

are expressed generally in terms of defects per KLOC (kilolines of code). The

KLOC size measure may not be accurate when we are in the software requirements

specifications (SRS) or design phase. In the current model, function point (FP)

is used for size estimate, which can be computed more accurately and from user

needs itself. International Function Point User’s Group (IFPUG) has

standardized FP as the size metric and International Organization for Standards

(ISO) has made a step to standardize it, since there is wide-spread belief that

FPs are a better size metric than LOC. In addition, we have considered the

phase-wise defect injection percentage to estimate the defects for each phase.

This gets around the problems of lack of uniformity and language dependence.

The closed loop defect removal


This model

accounts for injected defects and escaped defects separately. The creation of

the work product is subject to defect injection during SRS, design and

implementation phases whereas bad fixes cause for defect injection during the

testing phase. Defects are removed generally through one or other form of

reviews and testing.


Generating initial estimates

and tolerance limits

Using statistical

process control, the size of the project is estimated in terms of FP. The total

defect density (DD) value for the organization is baselined. It is expressed as

defects per FP. The total DD can be set based on other data too, like the

project’s defined software process, similarity to an earlier project and

equivalent team structure. The percentage defect injection is baselined for each



The mean, upper tolerance value

and lower tolerance value for injected defects in each phase is obtained as

mean number of defects injected into the phase = FP × Total DD × percentage

injection for the phase.

Upper tolerance value for

number of injected defects in SRS = (upper natural process limit — center

line) DefectDensitySRS × FP.

Lower tolerance value for

number of injected defects in SRS = (center line — lower natural process

limit) DefectDensitySRS × FP.

Defects to be removed at a

phase = defect removal effectiveness × (defects existing on phase entry +

defects injected during development of the phase).

The phase wise DRE for each phase

is set based on the organizational goals for process improvement.



initial estimates for the five phases–SRS, design, implementation, testing and

acceptance testing–are generated as per an algorithm. The testing defects

consist of unit test, module test and integration test defects.

Feedback mechanism

At the end of

each phase, actual number of defects obtained is fed to the model. This data is

an input to the decision process and action strategy to modify the process or

products. Determine if the defect detection profile is within the tolerance

limits established. If actuals are lesser than the lower natural process limit,

it can be due to lower error injection or ineffective reviews. If actuals are

more than the upper natural process limit, it can be due to higher error

injection or effective reviews. The effectiveness of reviews is determined based

on the effort spent for the review and the experience of the review team. High

and low values can be defined for the organization. We have made the following

guidelines for interpretation of the values.


If LOC per person hour review is

less than 30 LOC per person hour–assuming three persons review 100 LOC at a

rate of 100 LOC per hour for code review. Or if pages per person hour review is

less than three pages per person hour–assuming three persons review 30 page

document at a rate of 10 pages per hour for SRS and design review, the review

effort is assumed to be high, otherwise low. Similarly, if defects per KLOC is

more than 50 for code review or defects per 10 pages is more than seven for SRS

and design review, the defect injection is considered high.

If total experience per person of

the review team is more than three years it is considered as high.

Re-estimation is not required

when the actuals are within the tolerance limits. However, if the actuals are

consistently above the middle of the tolerance range, it indicates that the

baselined process needs to adopt an improved methodology for defect removal.

Conversely, this could indicate that the process was injecting more defects.



With proper input

on the review effectiveness and defect injection, the model can re-estimate the

defects for each phase. If high defect injection is indicated by the data, the

estimates for subsequent phases are also incremented proportionately, keeping

the phase wise percentage injection constant. If reviews are rated ineffective,

defect removal effectiveness for the phase is calculated based on the actual

output. If both these conditions do not apply, the percentage injection for the

phases is revised, based on actual output. While doing this, the sum of

injection percentages should be maintained at 100, and the ratio of injection

percentages of subsequent phases should be maintained constant.

This will enable taking earlier

action to rectify problems that will otherwise not be found until later in the

development process. This provides developers with data in a timely manner to

discover departure from the development process and to return to control. The

re-estimates are done after the SRS, design and coding phase. Data obtained

during testing is not used to modify the estimates. The test data–including

unit test, module test and integration test–are used along with the review

data to predict the latent defects using Rayleigh model.

Tools used

The closed loop

defect removal model is implemented using MS Excel. The user will give the size

of the project and actual defect data as input and will get subsequent estimates

based on these. The baselines can be changed if desired.


The model heavily

depends on the accuracy of FP estimates. It will not be accurate in cases where

there is a combination of high defect injection and ineffective review, or low

defect injection and ineffective review. These errors will be reduced after


Application with actual data

Results found

after applying this model to a project is encouraging. A 100 FP project began

with a low defect density estimate, based on a similar past project. But after

the SRS phase, the actual defects obtained were high and they decided it was due

to high defect injection. All estimates were revised subsequently. The actual

defect for the design phase was lesser in number and they assigned the cause as

poor review. Hence the model took into consideration all the escaped defects and

revised the estimates for subsequent phases. The code review defects were also

lesser than predicted and hence the testing defects were re-estimated. They

focused more on the testing phase, and it was found that the actual estimates

came well within the limits for the testing as well as acceptance test phase.

The data was found useful for taking decisions on the quality aspects of the


Predicting reliability

Number of latent

defects of the software product when available to customers is an objective

statement of the quality of the product. The latent defects are estimated by

using the Rayleigh model. An eight step developmental process with step size

equal to one–software requirements specifications, DES, coding, unit test,

module test, integration test, acceptance test and post acceptance test–is

used. The model parameters can be derived from the actual defect data obtained

upto acceptance testing phase. The end product reliability can be achieved by

substituting the data.

The effective model

From the above,

it is evident that the closed loop defect removal model is extremely effective

for in-process quality management. The project leader can plan effectively for

the effort and time to be spent for reviews based on the output given by the

model. The corrective actions can be taken during the course of the project

itself. On the higher end, the defect prevention activities can be applied

during development with proper planning and consequently we will end up with a

better quality product and improved customer satisfaction.

Excerpted from

Closed Loop Defect Removal Model Using SPC

Achamma Jose, Anju NK, SK Pilai

Courtesy: Network

Systems and Technologies, Trivandrum

This paper won QAI’s ‘Best of

the Best 2000’ award for the best paper category at the SEPG Conference India

2000, Bangalore, February 2000.
