
Rank 6 - R SYSTEMS : Transparent and Effective

DQI Bureau
New Update

Being a first times to the DQ-IDC BES survey, the fact that R Systems has
been ranked in the sixth position is a result of its people-friendly policies
However, it has not achieved the feat instantaneously. It is over a period of
time that R Systems has evolved as an employee friendly organization.


The reasons for its reputation can be primarily attributed to an able
leadership that has been very particular about establishing people-friendly
policies. Transparency has been another hallmark across all levels. Efforts have
always been on to create an open work environment in order to provide the
employees a comfortable and healthy ecosystem. As revealed by the survey, the
company in addition to providing a transparent and open work culture offers its
employees handsome salary packages as well as other benefits. A well-defined
performance appraisal system ensures good hikes and growth opportunities.
Further, the company has initiated a program called Performance Improvement Plan
(PIP) that helps employees improve their skills and enhance performance.

R Systems scored well in its employee retention measures which could be
attributed to the various employee engagement programs run by the company like
training, mentoring, and competency development sessions that helps it to retain
key resources. Apart from that, performance reward and recognition schemes like
Employee or Manager of the year awards based on customer feedbacks goes a long
way to motivate and retain people.

Rank 6

R Systems

Prem Goswami, GM, HR


Although training is a very focused area for the company, it failed to
satisfy the employees in the amount of training conducted last year. Similarly,
the company also failed to impress its employees by maintaining some rigidity
towards encouraging new and innovative ideas. To meet deficits, the company has
however introduced R Systems Knowledge Exchange System. The initiative aims at
helping the employees to share their ideas and suggestions, Good ideas are being
rewarded accordingly. Its people oriented policies and continued efforts to
improve have recently earned the company PCMM Level 5 accreditation over its
previous Level 3 certification.
