
Rank - 59 : RP Infosystems

DQI Bureau
New Update

The vendor took the indigenous computer market by a storm with its Chirag
brand (now the largest Indian PC vendor after HCL and Wipro). It successfully
registered in the DGS&D contract list, helping Chirag to procure Rs 35 crore
worth of tenders in Kerala, Assam and Tamil Nadu. A host of defense contracts
too followed. The company opened another factory at Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh.
An increased focus on retailtie-ups with 122 retail outlets (including Big
Bazaar, Pantaloon and eZone)generated business worth Rs 100 crore.


Rank - 59 : RP Infosystems


l MD: Kaustuv Ray l Start-up Year:
2005 l Products & Services: Manufacturing and sales of desktops and laptops,
software services l Address: 14th Floor, Regent House, 12 Govt Place (East)
Kolkata 700069 l Tel: 33 2231 0251/52/53/54 l l Fax: 033 2231 0253 l
