With over 15,000 employees on its rolls, Wipro BPO is the
second-largest participant in the survey. In addition to some of the regular
challenges in the industry, Wipro BPO (earlier Spectramind) has to cope with the
additional challenge of size. Wipro BPO fares very well on HR scores, but
employee satisfaction pulls its final rank down.
Focused initiatives to reduce stress levels at work have
yielded the desired results with employees expressing satisfaction. Says Richa
Tripathi, head of HR, Wipro BPO, "Being a large organization, the typical
challenges are around building a uniform culture and career paths for a huge
workforce, and managing employee touch time." Career Mosaic, a proactive
and periodic exercise aimed to create opportunities for employees to gain
exposure in diverse roles across Wipro was introduced to understand work-related
issues and reduce monotony through cross-functional exposure.
Wipro |
There are structured communication programs to effectively
reach out to the 95% of the employee base that is not connected by emails.
Awareness has been created among current and prospective employees about what
Wipro BPO stands for: "Work Hard — Have Fun".
A grievance-handling mechanism based on the nature of queries
and concerns raised has been initiated. The process lays down categories of
issues with guidelines on resolving any issue around these grievance categories
by approaching the concerned authority. It is meant to provide an opportunity to
review how services are delivered to the internal customers.
An element of fun has also been introduced into the work.
Says Tripathi, "We believe that fun is an important element to enhance
mutual trust and build a dynamic mentoring relationship. Fun reduces stress,
eases tension, and improves energy. A good laugh revives our spirits."
Employees are rewarded for promoting and living up to the value of fun at their
workplace. Salary reviews of employees take the fun element into consideration.
Each supervisor is rated for his or her efforts to encourage team members to
enjoy pursuing individual as well as the company goals; encouraging team members
in organizing and participating in events and group activities.
What they
STAR or Saving Talent at Risk is an initiative that evaluates the health of
an employee in a team. The team leaders along with their TED (Talent Engagement
& Development) representative, identify team members who show signs of
disengagement and are likely to be in the 'potential attrite' category. This
initiative aims at sensitizing supervisors to the non-verbal signs that members
show, and proactively handling stress or other issues that may lead to attrition