K Dinesh
Director and Head, HRD |
Hema Ravichandar |
Senior V-P, HRD |
Eshan Joshi
Compensation & Benefits |
Mohan Employee
Relations |
Kakolu Immigration
& Visas |
Gurjar Learning
& Development |
N Sarma Manpower
Planning & Recruitment India
& Asia |
North America |
S Organizational
Effectiveness |
UK & Europe |
While rankings of most companies have changed for the better or worse, this
is one position to which Infosys seems to have staked a long-term claim. For the
second year in a row, it has topped the DQ-IDC HR rankings, though some warning
signs that had begun to show last year have now exacerbated. First the good
news. It topped the rankings on retention at 96% (up from 82.3% last year) and
came second only to Mascon on average training hours per employee. Low attrition
continued to be one of its major strengths at 5.6%. While low average salaries
continue to be an issue, it scored well on perks.
Now the bad news. Overall satisfaction levels in the company continue to be
low. Most employees also believed their peers were far more satisfied than they
were. While Infosys continued to top the Preferred Company rankings, only 17.6%
of all IT employees voted for it this year compared to 25% the year before. It
ranked 6th on Preferred Employer charts with 70.4% of its own employees voting
for it as their dream company (down from 82% last year). Company Image continued
to be one of the major reasons why people join the company. Employees said they
were fairly satisfied with other attributes for which they had joined Infosys in
the first place except compensation. But they also gave it some of the lowest
rankings on interpersonal relationships, appraisal systems and surprise —
overseas opportunities!
Infosys has one of the most elaborate HR systems and processes in place and
great external messaging capabilities. Last year alone over 200,000 people
applied to it for a job. It will remain on top for a while, but there are
warning signs here that it should heed.