
Pradeep Gupta

DQI Bureau
New Update


The publisher

Indian IT might have turned 25 in 1981, but availability of regular
information on the industry was still in its infancy. It was during those times

that Pradeep Gupta conceived the idea of a computer magazine along with a few

friends in a Defence Colony barsati, Delhi. The result was the birth of Dataquest

in December 1982. CyberMedia was floated as the parent company. PG, as he is

popularly known, has since then shown an uncanny sixth sense in bringing out

publications at the right time covering every facet of IT-be it PC Quest

in 1987, Voice&Data in 1994, CIOL in 1996, the channel publications

as well as BioSpectrum in 2003 among others. Several pretenders have

thrown the gauntlet over the years, but CyberMedia still rules the roost with

each publication leading in its domain.
