
Pluralsight Releases First Game to Enhance Learning Experience for Aspiring Game Developers

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Pluralsight announced the release of a free, downloadable game, “Swords and Shovels,” to enhance the learning experience for aspiring game developers. The first of its kind on the technology learning platform, “Swords and Shovels” offers game developers the hands-on opportunity to play a game they can then learn to recreate in its entirety through a series of courses available on Pluralsight.


Mapped as sequential training through the Game Environment Modelling learning path, the courses provide game developers with the most direct route to increased proficiency in gaming environments, character modelling and gameplay elements using leading software tools including Maya, Unity, Photoshop, ZBrush and more.

“Learning methods are moving away from one-directional monologues to becoming immersive, hands-on and interactive. This is enabled by incorporating technology into designing learning modules and leveraging cloud platforms to deliver learning in a scale-out fashion. With “Swords and Shovels” we are helping game developers understand the full inner-workings of a game, see where every little piece fits and interacts within the pipeline, and master the skills they need to be successful with our Game Environment Modelling learning path. With India emerging as one of the leading game development markets in the world, this is a great fit”, said Arun Rajamani, Country GM, Pluralsight India

“Swords and Shovels” is a top-down dungeon crawler, a game where characters navigate a labyrinthine environment, battle monsters and loot treasure. The game and accompanying courseware was designed and authored by Josh Kinney, curriculum manager at Pluralsight, in collaboration with game development industry veterans Jean Simonet, Jonah Lobe, Dan Cox, Michael Baker and Alex Jerjomin, known for their work on “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,” “Fallout 4,” “Fable Legends,” “Splinter Cell Blacklist” and “Below.”


"Learning how to create games is one of the most difficult and demanding challenges in tech right now,” said Jean Simonet, a former AAA developer for “Skyrim,” “Fallout” and “Oblivion” and lead developer for the project. “Due to the complexity of modern games, many developers are forced to specialize their craft, limiting their experience and exposure to the various elements of video game creation. With ‘Swords and Shovels’ and the learning experience through Pluralsight, game developers can get a taste of the entire game-creation process and then select the learning focus that really appeals to them.”

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