
Oracle sees growing demand for hybrid cloud in India

Jasmine Kohli
New Update
Subash Nambiar Oracle

As a hybrid cloud offers enterprises a complete approach for the consumption of IT across on-premises and cloud, it is gaining traction across enterprises in India. Subash Nambiar, Vice President, Technology, Oracle India, shares his perspective with Dataquest


1. How do you see the market for hybrid cloud in India? What are the key growth drivers?
There is a growing demand for Hybrid Cloud in India especially among midsize enterprises, including manufacturing companies, even though private clouds are deemed expensive. As Cloud computing reaches maturity, companies are realization that the ability to integrate cloud applications with existing on-premise applications and enterprise data is critical to optimize IT infrastructure investments. Without the data, the application itself is of no value to organizations.

In this scenario, hybrid cloud offers enterprises a complete approach for the consumption of IT across on-premises and cloud. It applies the best practices from traditional on-premises IT such as governance, management and standardization – regardless of where the underlying assets are located. It is about matching the right solution to the right job. Public cloud, private cloud and dedicated servers are combined and work together seamlessly as one platform -- extracting maximum benefit and improved performance from each component and thereby allowing businesses to focus on driving their business forward.

2. What do you think of market perception w.r.t costs for public cloud deployments? Can you give us some metrics which establish this, and hybrid cloud is a more cost effective option?
When you compare the unit economics of a private cloud solution using high convergence density systems with comparable public clouds, the private cloud cost may look lower. However if you consider the overall infrastructure cost, maintenance and support cost spent in the private cloud, the public cloud will be attractive. There is a clear indication from the market, which is going towards public cloud. The more customers move to public cloud, the price will come down. In fact, we are witnessing public cloud providers are reducing the price of their public cloud services multiple times over the years. This is true on account of the virtuous cycle of cost-performance and growing market of public cloud providers.


3. What in your view are the key challenges for enterprises for moving to a hybrid cloud?
Since Hybrid cloud mixes dedicated and cloud resources, security and compliance concerns must be addressed to the fullest – which places a substantial requirement on the technology provider that only a few companies like Oracle have the wherewithal to fulfill. We have made considerable investments to offer a hybrid cloud that functions as a single unit. Businesses can leverage it to get access to vast public cloud resources, the ability to test new capabilities and technologies swiftly, the chance to get to market faster without huge upfront investment – all without compromising the risk-reduction and high-performance best practices they leverage on-premises today. So we’ve taken the best of the benefits of private and public cloud environments and eliminated the trade-offs.

4. How does Oracle see the market in India for Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c? Can you give us some indicative names of customers who are using this solution in India?
Enterprise Manager 12c (EM 12c) is Oracle's integrated enterprise IT operations management product line, which provides the industry’s only complete, integrated and business-driven enterprise cloud management solution. It is the centrepiece of our hybrid cloud offering. EM12c has been transformational in terms of improving operational productivity and increasing performance and reliability. It’s helped customers with 80% reduction in hardware costs, 80% faster time to deliver a single database, 60% less effort to deliver a new database, and 20% less effort to operate integrated environments. These compelling benefits are driving faster adoption of the solution and we are seeing very good traction for EM12c in India. HDFC Bank is one example among many more.

hybrid-cloud oracle