
Are TOEFL and GRE Ready for a Globalised World?

The most recent changes to the TOEFL and GRE include shorter testing times, faster score reporting, more brilliant prep alternatives, and improved accessibility

Preeti Anand
New Update


The global education scene is more connected than ever before. Diversity, cultural exchanges, and collaborative learning define the modern academic environment. Modern learners are interested in developing non-cognitive talents that will help them address real-world challenges in addition to cognitive ability. Given the transformation over the last decade, it is critical to match learners to the appropriate higher education and professional programmes where they may build the skills required for future success. This is where globally standardised examinations, such as the TOEFL and GRE, can help.


Growing Acceptance 

TOEFL and GRE results demonstrate to colleges that candidates have the necessary language competence and academic skills to succeed in different educational environments. India has just eclipsed the US as the largest GRE market, owing to a spike in Indian students seeking worldwide higher education prospects. In India, approximately 100 programmes, including business and law institutions, accept GRE scores.

Outside of India, the GRE attracts aspiring students since universities worldwide widely accept it as a reliable criterion for graduate admissions. The TOEFL, a standardised test used in academic settings to assess non-native speakers' English language competence, is also necessary regarding worldwide opportunities. It assesses four major language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. TOEFL results are accepted by over 12,500 universities, colleges, and institutions worldwide as proof of English competence for academic and professional purposes.


Adapting to Global Trends and Needs: The Progress of the TOEFL and GRE

Standardised assessments can connect pupils with worldwide higher education possibilities. The most recent changes to the TOEFL and GRE include shorter testing times, faster score reporting, more brilliant prep alternatives, and improved accessibility.

These changes address the changing demands of test takers by providing a more streamlined and efficient assessment experience while retaining test integrity and validity, which institutions of higher learning rely on to make informed admissions choices.


The new release of TOEFL TestReady has further revolutionised test preparation. Individuals may focus on their skill gaps thanks to the platform's revolutionary AI technology, which provides tailored insights and recommendations. This enables test takers to study more effectively and confidently when taking the widely used English language test. ETS, the TOEFL and GRE producer, uses artificial intelligence to improve the overall test-taking experience. The human touch is critical in developing, administering, and scoring these high-stakes tests. The use of AI enhances the efficiency, accuracy, and fairness of the whole assessment process.

Impacting Global Higher Education

TOEFL and GRE are major marketplaces for colleges globally, assessing potential students' English language proficiency and academic preparation. In an evolving global education landscape that embraces diversity, these assessments are critical for students from diverse backgrounds, ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve their academic aspirations. Beyond admissions, TOEFL and GRE scores can lead to scholarships, fellowships, and other options. The TOEFL and GRE are constantly improving to meet test takers' changing needs and offer them access to worldwide possibilities.


These assessments encourage innovation and adapt to evolving trends, allowing students to achieve their academic goals and contribute to the globalisation of higher education. Technological advancements and evaluation approaches have made these tests and global opportunities more accessible and inclusive.
