
Only 15% of consumers are happy with their online shopping experiences

Customer experience has profound impact on how you look at your business as a whole, many more was discussed during DQ Conclave.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update
individual 2

At the Dataquest Leadership Conclave held at New Delhi’s Hyatt Regency on June 8, Jasper Paul, Senior Product Manager, Site24x7 (from Zoho Corp.), presented the industry keynote on IT Infrastructure 2.0, driving the growth. Is your IT prepared for the digital experience? Innovation comes from survival. The .COM bubble made us think different, Customers were reduced from 150 to 3.


This transformed us to not depend on the customer's infrastructure fully, and diversified into different business units. This gives simple digital experiences. Zoho was one of the pioneers in cloud business, and Zoho CRM cloud started in 2005, before AWS. Zoho's perspective has been that software is craft, an art form that requires diligent study, innovation, and constant refinement.

We have seen the growth of the Internet. As of Feb 6, 2022, there were almost 4.66 billion Internet users. Over 2.14 billion people around the world have purchased online. Our everyday lives depend on the Internet. We also depend on IT.

Despite customer experience being the key battleground for brands, only 15% of consumers are happy with their online shopping experiences, according to a research. Some elements of customers’ online shopping experiences that cause the most unhappiness are: pop-ups and ads (49%), crashes during checkout (48%), discount codes not working at checkout (45%), When a customer can’t find what they’re looking for (42%), and web or app goes offline (23%), respectively.


Businesses are now looking to not just satisfy customers, but delight them. There are IT layers, such as experiences, apps, services, storage, infrastructure, etc. Efficacy depends on how well they work together. There are also interconnected micro services. DevOps run the IT backstage. Toolsets for each stage are in the pipeline.

There is a need for an observability platform. Digital transformation augmented the need for observations. Observations demands observability. Observability injects data-driven metrics. Metrics needs continuous monitoring. Monitoring invites Operations, and that merges with Development. Development equals code.
Site24x7 is one monitoring platform that covers all the layers. An AI-powered full stack monitoring platform lets you take care of all your monitoring needs from a single console.

These include website and server monitoring, cloud and network monitoring, app performance monitoring, real-user monitoring, AppLogs, CloudSpend, and StatusIQ.


Digital customer experience is paramount. We help the team that's in the hotseat -- DevOps. We help DevOps isolate problems easily in today's micro-service architecture. Site24x7 is an all-in-one monitoring platform that helps isolate that problem in any layer of the IT stack, and deliver great customer experience.
