

DQI Bureau
New Update

What is common between Amitabh Bachchan and Novell? Both

reigned as superstars once. Both have seen trying times thereafter, taking them

to the brink of disaster. One gets reinvented a la Kaun Banega Crorepati,

networking the people of a nation caught in a frenzy of quizzing. But when will

Novell’s turn, to catch the fancy of vast multitudes of people, come? It could

be now, with its new



Eric Schmidt, chairman and CEO, Novell, has wrought a new

vision for the company, called ‘one Net’ (not to be mistaken with Microsoft’s

‘dot Net’–Schmidt announced his plan before Gates did).

Keith C Osborne, VP, Novell Asia-Pacific, said, "Novell

is effecting a shift in its focus, keeping its traditional OS business to

support the backend and running foreground with what we call ‘Net services

software’." This is because Novell’s legacy as a NetWare-centric

company has not helped them in the past couple of years. The company was fast

losing ground to Windows NT and 2000, and the Linux movement was growing.

Shunning the NetWare-centric path therefore makes sense. If the company strictly

means what it says, it is seeking to gain a foothold in a new market while

continuing to rely on the OS business.

Barely four years ago, after a series of fiscal woes and

executive upheavals at the top, Novell was a company with few products and no

strategy to tackle the emergence of the Internet. In came Eric Schmidt as CEO,

hired from Sun Microsystems. Having been the chief technologist there, Schmidt

had to his credit the making of Java. It took four years to get Novell fully

oriented towards the Internet. The pieces were only being made ready then, and

now is the time to finally roll. And this time the company is calling itself a

Net infrastructure services provider and its business is services and Net



Weaving the fabric

A new architectural model called directory-enabled Net

infrastructure model (DENIM) is the framework that will hold Novell’s Net

services and software together. This architecture has a directory service

straddling all the Net services that will help manage the network and make it

secure; store, publish and deliver content; and provide portal services to

networks of any type regardless of standards and variety of OSs.

Osborne clarifies, "DENIM is not a product but a model

comprising various Novell and third-party products which when tied up helps

businesses simplify the complexities of the Net. It will securely extend and

integrate their applications and networks between companies to accelerate the

transformation to e-business."


Such a model is then required to transform enterprise

information, Web servers and e-business applications into a single network

services model, allowing organizations to build a more optimized, automated and

personalized Net presence.

The enterprise impact

An impact of the IT Act will be on the burgeoning e-economy,

paving the way for digital commerce–and for the long-awaited legalization of

financial transactions on the Internet. With this will come opportunities for

online transactions, online buying and selling, credit card processing and cash

settlement on the net across borders. ISP Satyam Infoway, for instance, is about

to commence its Safescrypt joint venture with Verisign, a global major in

digital authentication and certification, for online transactions in India.


Of course, there’s a healthy dose of criticism and

skepticism about the Cyberlaws. Says Mukund Kumar, VP, IMG Harita Infoserve,

"These laws have not been understood by many. Even if they were, their

implementation will be complex." Especially across geographies.

"Unless there is a common universal law in place, the IT Act will not be

fully effective."

Other industry persons say that the laws do provide a legal

framework for companies to fall back on in case of breach of contract or

non-fulfillment–but that security issues would be better addressed by public

key infrastructure (PKI). This will enable digital certification and

authentication of both businesses and individuals, so that there is the

reassurance of being able to accurately identify the parties one deals with

online. Such authentication is legally recognized and admissible in a court

which in fact will give companies the security to venture online for e-commerce.



As a new and emerging area, there are several concerns from

the enterprise segment about the effectiveness of these laws. "There is a

need for a ‘cyber army’ or Cyber Emergency Response Team, as in other

countries, that would advise and guide the netizens on what is to be done after

a crime or disaster has occurred," says Naavi. Although the law has not

explicitly provided for such a team, the government could do this separately.

The ministry is working on providing information security management to the SME

segment, to familiarize companies here with prevalent international practices

and standards available in online trading, and sensitize the enterprise on how

to handle attacks from viruses and hackers. It’s also taking steps to create

awareness about the latest technologies available internationally, and to

certify Indian enterprises based on standards in this arena.

Another enterprise need is a protective umbrella to key

infrastructure and the enterprise segment. "A new initiative is the

National Infrastructure Protection Center, which will protect key infrastructure

such as electricity and telephones within the country," Chakravarti says.

In addition, the government is also mid-way into a project to create core

competency in the network security domain in the country.

There’s also criticism of the Cyber Regulations Appellate

Tribunal. Says Naavi. "This is an apex body that will advise the ministry

on cyberlaws," he says. "Then how can this tribunal comprise members

from the ministry?"


Other issues include some ambiguity in the way the cyber

crimes have been classified in two different chapters of the Act, omission of

some aspects related to intellectual property rights and privacy in the IT Act.

Chakravarti says the Ministry is open to any changes that

have to be made in the IT Act. "We can include any point that we may have

left out, now and as and when new requirements emerge. After all, we cannot

anticipate all the security issues before hand."

Despite these issues, most in the industry agree that the

Indian government has done well to respond early to the requirements of the new

economy, in formulating the IT Act 2000. The Act should have a positive impact

on the enterprise and the economy, helping accelerate the penetration and use of

e-enabling tecnologies.


Akila Subramaniam

in Chennai
