
RBI Governor Launches Fintech Repository to Enhance Transparency in Indian Fintech Sector

RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das launched key initiatives to enhance transparency and efficiency in India's fintech sector, including the Fintech Repository, EmTech Repository, PRAVAAH Portal, and Retail Direct Mobile App.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update

On May 28, 2024, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das launched a comprehensive fintech repository, alongside the PRAVAAH portal and the Retail Direct Mobile App. These initiatives aim to enhance transparency, regulatory efficiency, and retail investor access within India’s financial ecosystem. This launch marks a significant step in the RBI’s ongoing efforts to foster innovation and strengthen regulatory oversight in the rapidly evolving fintech landscape.


Fintech Repository: A Gateway to Transparency

The fintech repository is designed to centralize information related to the Indian fintech sector, encompassing details about various fintech startups, their operations, and technological implementations. By aggregating sectoral data, the repository will facilitate a more profound understanding of the fintech ecosystem, benefiting policymakers and industry stakeholders alike.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: The repository will house information on fintech entities, their activities, and technology use cases. This centralization aims to provide a clear and detailed view of the sector's dynamics.
  • Regulatory Insight: The repository will assist in shaping appropriate policy approaches by offering a nuanced understanding of fintech operations and their implications.
  • Industry Contribution: Both regulated and unregulated fintech entities are encouraged to contribute to the repository, ensuring a broad and inclusive dataset.

Simultaneously, the RBI announced the EmTech repository, targeting banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). This platform will track the adoption of emerging technologies like AI, ML, and blockchain, thus aiding in monitoring and promoting technological advancements in the financial sector.

PRAVAAH Portal: Streamlining Regulatory Processes


The PRAVAAH (Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation, and Authorization) portal is a secure, web-based platform intended to simplify the process of obtaining regulatory approvals from the RBI. This initiative aims to enhance efficiency and transparency in the regulatory framework.

Key Benefits:

  • Online Application Submission: Entities can apply for various regulatory approvals online, streamlining the application process.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Applicants can monitor the status of their submissions and respond to queries from the RBI in a timely manner.
  • Improved Efficiency: By digitizing the approval process, the portal reduces the time and effort required to obtain regulatory clearances.

Retail Direct Mobile App: Empowering Retail Investors

The Retail Direct Mobile App aims to provide retail investors with seamless access to government securities (G-Secs). This app builds on the existing Retail Direct Scheme, which allows retail investors to buy and sell G-Secs both in primary auctions and the secondary market.


  • Mobile Access: Investors can now transact in G-Secs using their smartphones, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app is designed to be intuitive, making it easier for retail investors to navigate and manage their investments.

Context and Implications

These initiatives come at a time when the RBI is intensifying its scrutiny of the fintech sector. Recent actions include halting certain card-based business payments and expressing concerns over the evaluation processes for gold loans facilitated by fintech startups. The launch of the fintech repository and related platforms indicates the RBI's commitment to fostering a transparent and well-regulated fintech environment while promoting technological innovation.



The launch of the fintech repository, PRAVAAH portal, and Retail Direct Mobile App by the RBI represents a pivotal moment in India's financial regulatory landscape. These initiatives are set to enhance data transparency, streamline regulatory processes, and empower retail investors, thereby reinforcing the RBI’s role in supporting a robust and innovative financial ecosystem. As the fintech sector continues to grow, these tools will be crucial in ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements are harnessed effectively while
