
Amazon India Launches 4th Edition of Machine Learning Summer School

The summer school provides students in-depth knowledge on key ML topics, platform to interact with Amazon Scientists and learn about break-through innovation.

New Update

Amazon India has shared the registration details for the fourth edition of its Machine Learning (ML) Summer School. This initiative aims to equip students with essential ML skills and knowledge from Amazon Scientists, preparing them for careers in machine learning. The registration window is set from May 31 to June 21, 2024, with the course taking place over four weekends in July. Covering eight modules including Supervised Learning, Deep Neural Networks, and Reinforcement Learning, the program targets engineering students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD programs in India, graduating in 2025 or 2026. Selected participants will benefit from a blend of theoretical learning and practical applications, aiming to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world challenges. Past participants have praised the program for its impact on their career paths. Since its launch in 2021, the ML Summer School has seen significant growth, reflecting the increasing interest in ML education.


Rajeev Rastogi, Vice President, International Machine Learning, Amazon, says, “Machine learning has become pivotal in solving customer problems driving a surge in demand for ML. However, the demand for ML workforce is surpassing the available talent pool. With Amazon ML Summer School, our aim is to bridge this gap by making students industry-ready for science careers, focusing on cultivating ML expertise and applied science skills. Besides delivering top-tier training across a wide range of machine learning topics, this year, we're also emphasizing an application-driven approach crucial to equipping talent with hands-on experience to tackle real-world challenges.’’

Prabash Male, a participant from the MLSS 2022 batch and currently working as an Applied Scientist at Amazon, said, Amazon ML - Summer School had a significant impact on my career path in machine learning research. Sessions that were conducted as part of the summer school gave me unique insights into how most of the algorithms and concepts that I learned in college were being applied to solve large-scale problems across Amazon. This program helped me secure an internship with the Automatic Speech Recognition team in the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) org. I gained hands-on experience training large-scale speech models, which directly contributed to other ongoing projects within Amazon. Overall, the summer school program provided me with an exceptional learning experience.
