Let me start with one resolution which I am sure everyone will agree to. I was at the NCPEDP (an organization that lobbies for the rights of the disabled, including employment opportunities for them) Hellen Keller awards function a few weeks back, hoping that like 2009, there will be several IT and Communications companies winning trophies for being great employers of the disabled.
I was disappointed. Not a single ICT company got any award. Javed Abidi, who runs this organization told me that these tech companies have neither done anything new nor anything big last year to deserve any award. I think out of the 70 mn differently-abled people in India, there surely are several thousand who can find work in ICT companies, and prove to be good employees. Industry must work on this seriously.
The second resolution is to do with the survival of our planet and us. Global warming is a reality and we can see the consequences. Plus the race for economic development has made us blind to things that we are doing to hurt the ecology. Industry must make a resolution to give special focus, work out special deals and special prices for those who want to deploy green solutions.
We already have a regular green section in the magazine, but would be very happy to work out special advertising rates for those who want to sell green.
Last time I had written about trust deficit, and why is building trust critical, specially for the ICT space. While we have members from various industries who have tried to take shortcuts and adopt illegal business practices, some key names came from ICT. We must remember that ICT is all about transparency, about systems and processes, and about inclusivity.
We must make a resolve this new year, that no matter what, ICT players will remain above board. I am getting to know of so many cases, specially in the last 2 years (all blame it to tough times in business) where respected companies have used foul play. In 2011 we must not hear of another ICT company being charged and probed for any offence relating to business.
And the last promise I want all of you to make is about philanthropy. Azim Premji has set an extreme example that will not be easy to emulate. I still believe that the Indian ICT industry is reaping (in terms of talent pool) what was sown by the missionaries and central and state governments. The industry must also play a role now.
I dont know how many of you agree and would like to make these promises, but whats the harm in trying. Finally, nobody will hold you because new year promises are made to be broken.
Have a great 2011!