Whom would you like to give maximum credit for winning the e-Readiness Award
The credit for e-Readiness award goes to all stakeholders of the project and the leadership of the state. These type of projects cannot succeed through individual efforts though individuals do play an important role in implementation.
As an administrator/bureaucrat, what are the management practices you follow to ensure that you take all stakeholders along in the e-governance journey?
Although there are committees of stakeholders for all the projects, we try to get actual picture of ground realities by interacting with the actual users (including the citizens who are the users and the government employees/representatives who are the last point contacts for the citizens) without whose support the project cannot be successful. We have also followed a practice of appointing third party auditors for all the projects identifying their deliverables carefully. The feedback received for these auditors are considered seriously and mid-course correction applied wherever necessary.
Most of the e-Governance projects are implemented on PPP basis. In order to make these projects successful the role of government and the private partner are to be defined carefully so that there is no ambiguity in the role of different stakeholders.
What are the pitfalls that, in your opinion, should be avoided to make e-Governance successful ?
An e-Governance project is not a technology solution, although selection of technology needs to be done carefully. An e-Governance project is about implementing technology to provide better and faster governance. A comprehensive approach is required to educate, change the mindset, convince different stakeholders and work jointly.
Implementing e-Governance projects as a technology solution or working in isolation may lead to failure.
What are your expectations from the hardware, software, and networking vendors? Any message or advice that you would like to extend?
Off late it has been observed that the vendors tend to quote unreasonably low rates to win a tender and subsequently try to save money by compromising on quality and services, or result in a loss making proposition. This has resulted in government departments trying to select only large companies for implementing the project and the SMEs are devoid of the business which they deserve. Therefore, the vendors should understand the requirements, quote a correct price, and implement a quality project.
What is your vision or dream with regard to e-Governance for your state?
We will consider e-Governance successful when a citizen shall not be required to visit a government office or contact a government officer for any government related work.