
Modern content services platform: A must-have for contemporary business needs

The right modern content services platform can help enterprises stay current and future-ready by establishing a digital workplace

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The demand for remote operations and distributed work capabilities has seen a major uptick over the past year, with no signs of slowing down. This has caused significant disruption for document-centric, manual, and partially automated processes. Enterprises, across all industries, are racing to stay competitive by modernizing their content services and creating a boundaryless workplace—one that empowers knowledge workers with anytime-anywhere access to information, in order to collaborate effectively and deliver contextual customer service.


The need of the hour is a modern content services platform

Content is essential for modern businesses to function. It is integral to every type of transaction, and therefore, it is imperative that enterprises implement a strategy that seamlessly embeds content across their business applications.

They must be able to:

  • Find the right content at the right time
  • Bridge information silos
  • Capture information from multiple engagement channels
  • Digitize paper-based processes
  • Establish a faster application development cycle for content-centric solutions
  • Adhere to ever-changing compliances

Additionally, the mandate for real-time transactions requires automated content processing and intelligence. Furthermore, as contextual engagement and speed continue to play a crucial role in customer interactions, process automation has become the ultimate key to effective content management.

An aging content management infrastructure cannot cope with these evolving customer needs, employee expectations, and business dynamics. Organizations must invest in a platform-based content services architecture that meets their current requirements, while also enabling them to stay future-ready.


What does the ideal content services solution look like?

To fulfill modern content services requirements, enterprises need to invest in four distinct areas:

  1. Building a digital workplace with a focus on the pervasive utilization of content through cloud and hybrid deployments, as well as large-scale federated repositories
  2. Presenting content in the context of engagement, irrespective of its format(whether physical or digital)
  3. Enabling content intelligence to gain insights consistently and automatically, without manual effort
  4. Adhering to regulatory compliances across different industries and regions

5 ways a modern content services platform helps effectively manage documents

  1. Enables multi-channel engagement: Enterprises can map the end-to-end customer journey, engaging customers via their preferred channels, regardless of device, time, or place.
  2. Ensures anytime-anywhere access: While working remotely, employees require secure and easy access to content across multiple devices, networks, and platforms in order to provide uninterrupted services. A centralized repository, hosted on cloud, can help organizations, and all their stakeholders, collaborate effectively while maintaining security and providing anytime-anywhere accessibility.
  3. Provides AI and ML-powered intelligence: With a variety of documents being processed across organizations, including orders, claim forms, legal documents, contracts, correspondences, and much more, enterprises must invest in intelligent technologies and content services, including automatic document classification and intelligent extraction, to reduce manual efforts, decrease errors, and increase productivity.
  4. Creates an extended enterprise and drives collaboration: A modern content services platform allows organizations to enable external participants, beyond their organizational boundaries, with seamless access to business processes and relevant information, thereby creating an extended, self-service driven enterprise. Additionally, the platform drives real-time collaboration and content management, either directly or through productivity applications.
  5. Adheres to rules and regulations: To ensure information security and compliance with applicable guidelines and regulations, businesses must utilize a content management platform that helps them continuously adhere to evolving rules and regulations, including GDPR, DoD 5015.2, etc.

Content is the future and content services are the answer


In a marketplace that is increasingly driven by all forms of content, and where delivering a superior customer experience is non-negotiable, organizations, globally, must leverage a modern content services platform to create a connected and boundaryless enterprise.

The right platform can help enterprises stay current and future-ready by establishing a digital workplace, providing contextual automation, and delivering content intelligence, while also enabling adherence to regulatory compliances.

By Virender Jeet, Senior Vice President, Newgen
