The Global digital media company migme Limited has launched a new mobile client for Android with a new platform for the easy discovery of games and apps. It has also integrated a number of new apps and games, including the first migme-branded game, Gone Goose. migme CEO Steven Goh said the new client, discovery platform, games and apps would all help to create a more seamless and engaging experience for users, which is one of the Company’s key priorities.
“This is a big milestone for the Company,” said Steven Goh. “It means we can create a combined experience with migme and other game and application developers, to deliver a competitive social and messaging experience to Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, Line and many others.”
“Some of the world’s best applications come out of East Asia, who have found success in an environment where large volumes of networks are available to distribute an application or game into the hands of users. Outside of East Asia, the choices are fewer. Facebook limits organic reach and Instagram is limited to photos and video. With migme and how we’re integrating apps, we can provide a competitive social and messaging experience to our customers with a fresh and differentiated route to market for games and application developers. We’ll be working with content creators, media and many other audience and community builders, local handsets and payment providers.”
migme’s new discovery platform is accessed in the new mobile client via an easy navigation ‘Fun Key’, providing users with an array of games and apps at the tap of a button and in a social and messaging framework.
These include apps from Meitu, a leading mobile and Internet company that aims at building an ecosystem for users to discover, create and share beauty, which are installed on over a billion unique devices worldwide. Meitu completed a strategic investment in migme in March 2016.
The integration of Meitu’s beauty apps – ‘BeautyPlus: Selfie Editor’ and ‘MakeUpPlus: Makeup Editor’ – is the first of a number of integrations expected from our partnership with Meitu. Other new apps and games include augmented reality app Mybrana, MiniMe Avatar Maker, mobile games Zombie Lava Shooter, CricBattle and migme’s own Gone Goose. Gone Goose is migme’s first mobile match-3 puzzle game for Android (http://gonegoose.mig.me). The game is led by popular character Gerald the Goose and his friends, who are lost in the jungle and must navigate their way back home.