
Micromax sets the pace for immersive storytelling on Facebook

New Update

Micromax has set the ball rolling for immersive storytelling in a snappy-loading format, with Instant articles on Facebook. In times where countless social networking apps are getting launched every day, with a simultaneous rise in advertising on these platforms, this is a great move. According to Facebook, countries like Brazil, Mexico, India and the Philippines, people on slower connections read 20-40% more Instant Articles than traditional web articles. Statistics also convey that 70% users are less likely to abandon the Article.


As India’s first non-publishing brand, Micromax is leading the way for others with Instant Articles, which load 10 times faster than standard mobile web articles. Considering that their primary target group comprises mobile users not necessarily using 4G or Wi-Fi connections, this is a well-thought move. Online content consumption trends show how mobiles have increasingly been replacing TVs and laptops as entertainment devices, globally. The first Article features their new flagship launch - the Unite 4 Pro. This is more likely to prompt users to hit share, owing to swift loading of content.

Step aside snackable content like GIFs and tweets, Instant Articles seem to have upped the game for immersive storytelling, which isn’t time-consuming. This goes on to prove that besides creativity, the strategic placement of content makes a big difference in deciding the scope of the reach and success of campaigns & content posted on social platforms.

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