
Knowlarity and Freshdesk join hands to accelerate seamless integration

New Update

SMBs are growing reliant on technology while seeking new opportunities to penetrate deeper into emerging markets. Knowlarity’s flagship product SuperReceptionist is a virtual contact center solution which seamless integrates with powerful, support ticketing systems like Freshdesk to create easy flow of data and information for SMBs in search of technical agility.


While much action and buzz relating to cloud involves its technological competence, the benefits of cloud adoption actually extend into the real power of integration. Offering a host of features, SuperReceptionist also integrates with instant messaging apps connecting businesses to customers, resulting in vastly better customer satisfaction levels.

Additionally, the product’s smooth integration with Freshdesk encourages SMBs to scale down after call work (ACW) by 50%, reduce human effort required to support customers, and minimize errors that are usually rampant while manually transferring data between systems. The integration also helps businesses to approach support in a structured, data-driven manner by providing in-depth analytics and decision-making tools, thus positively impacting CSAT.

“It is our pleasure to collaborate with Freshdesk and extend support to SMBs so that they can effectively optimize workflow and improve productivity. The collaboration will accelerate seamless flow of data to SMBs and young entrepreneurs” says, Ambarish Gupta CEO & Founder of Knowlarity Communications.


“We, at Freshdesk, are extremely glad to add Knowlarity's SuperReceptionist to our gallery of integrations. With this integration, providing support should be easier for businesses - specifically small and medium sized ones - as they will be able to leverage Knowlarity's immense telephonic capabilities right alongside our multi-channel helpdesk. We're always focused on how to add value to our customers and integrating with Knowlarity's solution was definitely a step in the right direction for us” - Francesco Rovetta, VP of Alliances and Distribution

The development principles focus on integrating only with those solutions that help customers increase efficiency, optimize workflow and improve productivity; and this integration is a testament to it. To celebrate this endeavor, Knowlarity has recently introduced its Premium plan’s existing feature ‘Freshdesk integration’ in its Advanced plan, which is gaining popularity among entry level startups and SMBs today.

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