Kadam Marketing set its focus exclusively on the two giants this year-HP and LG. The company experimented with opportunities like servicing and selling specialized printers, where margins are higher than in trading products. The company has a service station at Nehru Place, where it offers post-warranty service contracts, networking implementation and in-house testing and repairing. The company managed to make inroads into the government sector raking in good revenues from large orders.
Focusing on two product segments-printers and monitors
Government sector contributes 10% to revenues
l CEO: Anil Sachdeva l Start-up Year: 1987 l Products & services: Monitors and PCs l Employees: 30 l Address: 108, Bhandari house 91 Nehru Place, New Delhi l Tel: 26411131/32 l Fax: 26411133 l E-mail: kadam1@vsnl.com
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