
‘‘It is technology growth and innovation’’

DQI Bureau
New Update

do not like the word obsolescence and prefer to call it technology growth and
innovation. Today’s digital world is definitely an innovative and creative
place where we no longer see or hear the past. It is not the place to examine or
explore the near present but an opportunity to foresee your vision and dreams.
It is a world where the past and present have almost been pushed back by an
accelerating future and where place and barriers have lost meaning.


Technology innovation is "the way of life, the way to make it
happen". Just like the fashion industry, the IT industry also seems to
carry the same new wisdom of thought, "if it is wearable, it is old".
Creativity is to constantly generate new products, visualize by dreaming and
putting ideas in the thought pipeline and competing on the basis of price by
cost cutting, downsizing and productivity improvements.

It does not pay to wait and see. Waiting is a perfect example of twentieth
century thinking, "I’ll wait until I see others in my field using it...
let them get the kinks ironed out". The only problem is the twenty-first
century is already here, and many of us haven’t noticed. The ones who now have
a head start, kinks and all, are learning how to thrive both personally and
professionally in the twenty-first century. The key to technology innovation is
to map and plan the business IT strategies. It is also important to understand
that modern technology will do things for you that you never before dreamed
possible. You should buy technologies that serve the present requirements well
and are highly upgradable.

There is another aspect to the issue too. If you put in technology and you
are able to get the return on investment, are able to reduce your lead time,
improve your R&D and product quality, you don’t mind bringing in new
technology because you have already got your money’s worth. So the key is
strategic planning.
