
ISRO Invites Applications for a New Online Certificate Course on Satellite Photogrammetry: Here’s How to Apply

ISRO centre IIRS has invited interested individuals to take an online course on Satellite Photogrammetry and its Applications

New Update
ISRO free online course

ISRO through its centre the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) is inviting applications from those interested for an online course on Satellite Photogrammetry and its Applications. ISRO-IIRS, as part of its outreach programme, is offering live and interactive courses. The above-mentioned course will be conducted from 29 June to 3 July 2020.


The programme is being sponsored by the National Natural Resources Management System – Standing Committee on Training and Education (SC-T), Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space, Government of India. The IIRS outreach programme can be accessed by nearly 1100 institutes in India. To participate in this programme the interested organizations have to first identify a coordinator at their end. The identified coordinator will then have to register online their Institute as the nodal centre on the IIRS website.

Who can Apply for the ISRO IIRS Course on Satellite Photogrammetry?

The official course brochure says that the course has been designed for professionals from central or state governments, private organizations, NGO as well as students and researchers engaged in disaster management related activities. The course participants have to be duly sponsored by their university or institution and application should be forwarded through coordinators from respective organisations or centres.


How to Apply for the ISRO IIRS Course on Satellite Photogrammetry?

Interested and eligible learners will have to first register with the IIRS website by providing all the required details along with email ID and mobile number. Upon successfully submitting the application, candidates will receive a registration number. Candidates will then need to activate their account through the link sent to their e-mail address and their application will be available for the selection process to the concerned authorities who may approve or reject the application.

All the approved participants will receive an approval email with their login credentials of IIRS E-CLASS platform and Examination Portal. The Single user name and password will work for both the portals. Those whose applications are rejected may still watch the live courses through the official ISRO IIRS YouTube page.


Certificate for the ISRO IIRS Course on Satellite Photogrammetry

Learners’ attendance will be marked by the e-class platform as present after 50% duration of total session time. All the study material for the course will be available under the e-class login. All the attendees of the course, both working professionals and students, will receive the certificate based on 70% attendance and 40% in the online examination. The certificate will be issued to participants of the course within 2 to 3 weeks of online examination. Those who wish to register themselves for the online courses by ISRO IIRS are advised to go through the official notification in detail.
