
Why reMarkable 2 paper tablet is a good option for the Indian business community: Henrik Gustav Faller

Henrik Faller, vice president of communications, reMarkable said that the company is best positioned to meet the needs of India’s growing population of knowledge workers with its latest offering - the reMarkable 2

Supriya Rai
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Remarkable 2

reMarkable 2

reMarkable, is a Norwegian tech company that specializes in developing digital paper tablets. Founded in 2014 by Magnus Wanberg, reMarkable aims to bridge the gap between the digital and analog worlds by offering a device that replicates the feel of writing on paper while providing the functionality of a digital device. Their flagship product, the reMarkable tablet, features a high-resolution E-Ink display that mimics the texture and appearance of real paper. Users can write, sketch, annotate PDFs, and read e-books on the device using the included stylus, providing a natural writing experience without the distractions associated with traditional tablets or computers. 


remarkable 2

The company has garnered attention in the international market for its focus on simplicity and productivity, eschewing features like web browsing and multimedia playback in favor of providing a distraction-free environment for users to focus on their work or creativity. Additionally, reMarkable emphasizes the importance of digital minimalism and reducing screen time, positioning their product as a tool to help users reclaim their focus and attention in an increasingly digital world.

Since its launch, reMarkable has gained a dedicated following among professionals, students, and creatives looking for a digital alternative to traditional pen and paper. The company continues to iterate on its product line, with updates and new features released regularly to improve the user experience and expand the device's capabilities. Recently, the company launched its flagship product reMarkable 2 in the India market. Henrik Gustav Faller, vice president of communications at reMarkable spoke to Dataquest about why the product is being launched at this particular time in the India market, and how this could be one of the best options for the business community in the country.


Henrik Faller

Why reMarkable 2 has been launched in India As of Now

Faller said that reMarkable is launching in India propelled by a confluence of compelling factors. The decision is underpinned by the significant consumer interest already emanating from India, where a burgeoning population is increasingly drawn towards premium products, signaling a ripe market for innovative offerings like the reMarkable tablet. Faller stated that on 15 January 2024, nearly 100,000 individuals from India visited, surpassing the count of American visitors to the website on Black Friday. It's worth noting that the US represents the largest market for reMarkable.


Moreover, there exists a profound cultural affinity for handwriting in India, a sentiment that aligns seamlessly with the ethos of reMarkable's digital paper tablet, catering to a demographic that values the tactile experience of pen and paper. In addition, India boasts a remarkably high rate of tech adoption, positioning it as a fertile ground for cutting-edge devices that enhance productivity. "Our extensive research has unveiled an extraordinary potential in India, particularly among its vast community of knowledge workers who stand to benefit immensely from the distraction-free work environment facilitated by reMarkable. This launch marks an exciting chapter in our journey as we endeavor to empower individuals across India with the tools they need to unleash their full creative and professional potential," said Faller to Dataquest.

How reMarkable 2 could help the business community

In a world where distractions seem to multiply by the minute, with devices and applications relentlessly vying for our attention through a constant barrage of notifications, maintaining focus has become an increasingly rare and precious commodity. Recognizing this challenge, reMarkable 2 emerges as a beacon of clarity amidst the digital noise, says Faller. By seamlessly replacing and organizing traditional notebooks, sketchbooks, textbooks, and printed documents, reMarkable 2 streamlines workflows and enhances productivity. With its ability to connect to the internet for easy sharing and collaboration, reMarkable 2 not only digitizes workflows but also fosters collaboration in fully digital environments. Most importantly, it empowers individuals to sidestep distractions and work with heightened efficiency and focus, leveraging the tactile benefits of paper while sidestepping the drawbacks of modern technology. Through reMarkable 2, individuals can embrace the best of both worlds, harnessing the advantages of paper in a digital age while reclaiming control over their attention and productivity.


remarkable 2

Does the price of the product align with the value proposition being offered by the paper tablet?

The reMarkable 2 is available for purchase on Priced at Rs 43,999, the basic bundle includes the reMarkable 2 tablet along with the Marker Plus stylus. The premium bundle, priced at Rs 53,799, also includes the Book Folio in gray polymer weave. Faller added that reMarkable’s global product offering aligns seamlessly with its ethos and vision, transcending geographical boundaries to cater to individuals who truly grasp the value it brings. With a consistent pricing cycle worldwide, reMarkable positions itself as a premium product, acknowledging its premium price point. However, what sets it apart is the deep understanding exhibited by its consumers across the globe, he said. People who invest in reMarkable not only recognize its premium status but also resonate with its core mission of enhancing cognitive capabilities and promoting focused thinking. The device's longevity further solidifies its appeal, ensuring that users can rely on it for years to come, thus enhancing its value proposition. This commitment to quality and longevity not only contributes to user satisfaction but also simplifies the decision-making process, as consumers can trust in the durability and reliability of the product over an extended period.


How the company uses feedback to improve its products 

Faller says that the company consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to user engagement. They prioritize listening to their users and are deeply passionate about it. User testing is conducted regularly at their office in Oslo, indicating their dedication to understanding user needs and preferences. Additionally, they actively seek feedback from a global audience through digital meetings, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives. Monitoring social media discussions and analyzing report tickets further exemplify their attentiveness to customer concerns. Overall, the company is highly focused on listening to and understanding their customers, which is a fundamental aspect of their approach.

Faller further added: “We’re humbled by the feedback from early adopters who have bought reMarkable 2 through, and the overwhelming response from the hundreds of thousands of Indians who have visited our website and subscribed to our newsletter to learn more. This strong engagement underscores the demand for reMarkable in the Indian market, motivating us to bring our innovative technology to this enthusiastic community.”


Long term aspiration for India market

“We're just getting started, but we remain steadfast in our vision: Better thinking through technology. Our paper tablets represent our initial step towards realizing this vision and still hold immense potential. However, our vision extends beyond paper tablets; we're actively exploring new products and services aimed at enhancing cognitive abilities. With over 100 software updates and counting, we're fiercely customer-centric, continually striving to improve the value of our products over time and deliver exceptional customer experiences. As we venture into new markets, including India, our approach is one of learning. We're not rushing into things; instead, we're starting with a simplified distribution strategy, initially leveraging Amazon as our primary channel. Our marketing strategy, too, is evolving gradually, with a focus on digital advertising. Despite this cautious approach, the interest in our products is substantial, underscoring the vast potential we see in this market. Hopefully, our presence and distribution channel mix, marketing strategy, and the way we engage in making more people aware of our product will evolve and expand over time,” said Faller.
