
PatSeer Leverages AI for Comprehensive Patent Research: Insights from Founder & CTO Manish Sinha

Manish Sinha explains how the company simplifies global patent searches and analysis through AI-driven tools, integrating data from over 108 countries to support IP professionals in making strategic decisions.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update

With the global patent filings surging and intellectual property becoming a critical asset for businesses, efficient and accurate patent research tools are in high demand. The patent research market has seen significant growth due to the increasing emphasis on innovation and intellectual property rights. Organizations across various industries are seeking robust tools to navigate the vast amounts of patent information, identify relevant prior art, monitor competitor activity, and make informed IP decisions. Traditional patent research methods, often time-consuming and labor-intensive, are being rapidly supplanted by advanced technologies that promise greater efficiency and precision.


PatSeer, an AI-driven patent research platform, addresses these challenges by simplifying global patent searches and analysis. In an exclusive interview with Dataquest, Manish Sinha, Founder & CTO of PatSeer, explores how their platform is transforming the industry. By integrating data from over 108 countries, PatSeer empowers IP professionals to make strategic, data-driven decisions with greater accuracy and efficiency. Excerpts:

Could you provide an overview of PatSeer's role in the patent industry and how it leverages AI to transform patent research and intelligence?

PatSeer is a leading patent research solution used by thousands of IP professionals across a range of industries. PatSeer simplifies the process of searching worldwide patent filings and offers  a range of tools for patent monitoring and analysis. Its AI-driven capabilities make it easier to search, review, analyze, and collaborate on patents. Integrating patent data from over 108 countries, litigations, standards, and corporate hierarchies into a single interface, PatSeer simplifies the complexities of extracting patent insights from large volumes of data.


Innovation-focused organizations, often dealing with a substantial amount of patent data, can benefit from PatSeer wide range of charts and graphs that provide actionable insights for critical IP decisions governing their products. PatSeer aims to make patent insights more accessible and empower strategic IP decisions for gaining an edge over the competition.

Our AI-driven semantic search, designed for patent analysis, utilizes a fine-tuned LLM to understand the nuances of patent language and context. The LLM enhances the accuracy and precision of searches across diverse domains. By combining traditional Boolean searches with AI capabilities, PatSeer represents a significant development in patent search technology.

With the recent release of the Patent (Amendment) Rules 2024 by the Indian Ministry of Commerce, what are your initial reactions, and how do you anticipate these changes will impact the patent landscape in India?


The recent release of the Patent (Amendment) Rules 2024 by the Indian Ministry of Commerce marks a significant step towards aligning India's patent processes with international practices. The amendments introduce several potential benefits for patent applicants and holders seeking broader patent coverage.

The amendments aim to simplify the patent prosecution process in India. For instance, extending the filing timeline for the "working statement" in Form-27 from annually to once every three years reduces the administrative burden on patent owners. Additionally, introducing divisional applications, where a single application can be divided based on separate inventions, brings Indian practices closer to other jurisdictions.

While the amendments offer positive developments, some areas require further consideration. While the rules include provisions for requesting extensions in case of delay, a more customer-focused approach could involve clearer guidelines for handling unforeseen circumstances that might lead to missed deadlines.


The Patent (Amendment) Rules 2024 represent a positive step towards modernizing the Indian patent system. While monitoring the impact and potentially refining the rules will ensure an efficient and user-friendly landscape, the amendments are expected to result in an increase in Indian patent filings.

You've mentioned a prediction of increased patent filing and management numbers, along with a transformation in how organizations analyze patent data. Could you elaborate on these trends and the driving forces behind them?

The recent amendments to the Patent Rules are expected to significantly simplify the patent application process, making it faster, easier, and more affordable for organizations to file patents. This, in turn, is likely to encourage a surge in patent filings as companies seek to protect their innovations and inventions.

The amended rules also include provisions that strengthen enforcement mechanisms related to patents. This increased protection against infringement incentivizes companies to invest in patent filing and management to safeguard their intellectual property (IP) and prevent unauthorized use of their patented technology.

The emergence of sophisticated patent analytics tools, such as the AI-driven semantic search in PatSeer, has changed how organizations analyze patent data. By utilizing these tools companies can improve upon the result accuracy and precision in patent searches across various fields. These tools enable companies to extract valuable insights from patent information, including competitor intelligence, market trends, and potential collaboration or licensing opportunities. Companies can make more informed decisions about R&D, product development, and strategic partnerships.

As AI and machine learning are being integrated into patent platforms to streamline workflows, improve search accuracy, and save time for patent professionals. This increased efficiency further encourages the use of patent data and contributes to the growth of patent filing and management.


The combination of regulatory changes, technological advancements, and the increasing strategic importance of patents is driving a significant transformation in the patent landscape. Organizations are recognizing the value of patents as a means of protecting their IP, gaining competitive advantage, and making informed business decisions.

Artificial intelligence is identified as the leading trend in the patent industry. How is AI being integrated into patent research and analysis, and what are the key benefits it brings to users?

Artificial intelligence is the driving force behind the patent industry's transformation. Traditionally, patent research was a time-consuming slog. Finding relevant patents felt like searching for a needle in a haystack. AI changes that entirely. We can now leverage machine learning and natural language processing to make sense of vast amounts of patent data. These algorithms analyze text, understand technical nuances, and even interpret images to pinpoint the exact patents critical to your needs.


Imagine searching beyond keywords to uncover concepts and functionalities. This allows users to identify relevant prior art across languages and domains. AI powered idea screening tools have the potential to help the inventors assess the patentability of their concepts in minutes, saving them valuable time and resources.

AI's impact goes beyond just search, it streamlines the entire review process. AI tools can summarize key information from voluminous applications and legal documents, highlighting critical details and potential issues. This empowers patent professionals to focus on strategy, not data entry. AI-driven claims analysis further strengthens the process, ensuring the validity and robustness of your patents.

In essence, AI supercharges patent research and analysis. It saves users countless hours, improves the accuracy and efficiency of their work, and ultimately empowers them to make smarter decisions about their intellectual property. This can be anything from filing strong patents to identifying potential competitors and navigating the ever-evolving legal landscape.

How do AI based patent search methods enhance efficiency and accuracy compared to traditional methods?

AI-based patent search methods enhance efficiency and accuracy of the search process and users benefit from a dramatic improvement in search speed. Compared to manually crafting complex queries, users can rely on AI algorithms to deliver highly accurate results in seconds. These AI search and result analysis tools are already speeding things up for startups, taking them closer to their eventual patent registration.

Beyond speed, AI offers a deeper understanding of patent data. AI trained in Natural Language Processing (NLP) can perform semantic assessments of patents. This allows them to understand the meaning behind the invention's description and interpret even vaguely worded sections accurately. This is particularly valuable when studying patent claims for different versions of the same invention.

AI algorithms can also organize patent data effectively. If trained properly, these algorithms can sort data based on relevance, presenting users with a rated and categorized result. This eliminates the need for users to wade through mountains of unorganized information.

Finally, AI can present complex data concisely. Visualization tools can organize and summarize the data in an easy-to-understand visual report, highlighting and categorizing key elements. This makes it easier to present findings to relevant stakeholders and make informed decisions.

In essence, AI-based patent search methods empower users to find the information they need quickly and accurately, ultimately leading to better decision-making throughout the patent process.

How does PatSeer ensure the privacy and security of the information being researched and stored by users on its platform?

PatSeer ensures its platform and company processes adhere to applicable legal policies and regulations, thereby ensuring compliance through robust security measures and certifications.

The ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification validates PatSeer’s systematic approach to managing information security risks while upholding the highest standards of security and compliance in its platform. This certification assures clients that PatSeer employs a comprehensive framework for data confidentiality, integrity, and availability by employing robust measures such as on-server data protection, secure data transfer with users, and continuous enhancements to counter evolving threats.  

Further, PatSeer holds SOC 2 Type 2 certification, which verifies company’s adherence to stringent security controls for availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy. It confirms that PatSeer’s systems and processes safeguard end-user data against unauthorized access, use and disclosure.

The company maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards security lapses and the added ISO/IEC 27001 certification highlights its commitment to providing a safe and trusted patent research platform to the users. The periodic third-party audits validate PatSeer’s internal practices, providing independent validation as its global customer base continues to grow.

What are the broader implications associated with leveraging AI in intellectual property creation, and how does PatSeer tackle these challenges to deliver top-notch results to its users?

Leveraging AI in intellectual property creation could possibly have broader implications, which can be both positive and negative. The benefit is that AI can significantly increase productivity and efficiency, allowing users to generate and process large volumes of IP data quickly when compared to humans and human resources, thereby speeding up innovation. Also, AI algorithms can unlock patterns that are not easily apparent to humans thus improving knowledge about new opportunities for innovation.

However, there are disadvantages that come with applying AI in intellectual property creation like issues with bias and accuracy in the algorithms created. These AI algorithms could lead to unfair rejections or approvals in the patent process. Also, potential job loss due to increasing use of AI in innovation.

To tackle these challenges and deliver superior results to its users, we allows the user the best of AI with Boolean search and thereby offering a single platform to combine AI with human expertise. By combining expert search tools and advanced AI capabilities, PatSeer eliminates the need to switch between systems, streamlining daily IP tasks for professionals.

PatSeer's AI algorithm overcomes the limitations of earlier AI-based systems, accurately interpreting and predicting user intent for precise results. The platform incorporates various AI tools that simplify analysis and save time, such as AI-driven semantic re-ranking for faster relevant record retrieval and AI-generated summaries for efficient patent review.

Additionally, PatSeer's AI classifier automates patent classification, eliminating manual intervention and directing new patents to the appropriate departments. This is particularly beneficial for larger companies monitoring diverse technology areas, improving efficiency and accuracy in research and monitoring workflows.

PatSeer's approach to patent research demonstrates a simplified process, giving users remarkable efficiency and accuracy.
