
Nic Benders on New Relic's Hyderabad Move: Building a Global Team for Observability

New Relic's expansion to Hyderabad signifies a commitment to building a global team for innovation in the observability market. This Q&A with Nic Benders explores the company's strategy, focus on talent acquisition, and key trends in the Indian market.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update

New Relic, a provider of observability solutions, recently announced the opening of a new office in Hyderabad, India. This move is a strategic step towards building a more global and diverse team to drive innovation in the rapidly growing observability market.

In this interview, Nic Benders, Chief Architect and GVP of Engineering at New Relic, discusses the company's decision to expand to Hyderabad, the roles this new office will play, and the importance of observability for digital businesses in India.

New Relic recently opened a new office in Hyderabad. Can you elaborate on the decision and how it aligns with New Relic's global strategy?

Nic Benders: At New Relic, we've always believed in building products by being our own first customers. This means having a team that understands the challenges faced by developers and operations professionals. Our initial hub in Portland allowed us to connect with these early users. We then expanded to Barcelona to tap into a talent pool with expertise in large-scale systems and startup innovation. Hyderabad offers a similar environment, with a mix of professionals from established companies and agile startups. This talent pool will be instrumental in helping us maintain our core strategy of building the best software possible.

What specific roles will the Hyderabad office focus on?

Nic Benders: We're looking to create a complete product development experience in Hyderabad. This means we'll have a presence across all functions, from experienced software engineers and architects to product managers, designers, and security experts. By fostering close collaboration across these teams, we can accelerate innovation and deliver even more value to our customers.

Why is observability critical for digital businesses, especially in a rapidly growing market like India?

Nic Benders: Observability is essential because it allows businesses to monitor and understand their systems in real-time. In today's fast-paced software development environment, with rapid deployment and complex systems, it's crucial to know that your software works correctly and efficiently. For example, the public cloud has transformed our industry, but it also adds complexity. Observability helps manage this by providing insights into system performance and behavior, enabling businesses to maintain high availability and quickly address issues.

What are some trends you see in the Indian market for observability solutions, and how can observability help address these challenges?

Nic Benders: Two key trends in India are the focus on speed and cost efficiency. Companies like Big Basket, with their incredibly fast delivery model, rely on observability to gain immediate insights into system performance. Additionally, customers in India are looking for solutions that offer maximum value while controlling costs. Observability helps here as well, by providing insights that can optimize resource usage and ensure they're getting the most out of their investments.

Can you share some insights into New Relic's product roadmap for 2024 and how the Indian team will contribute?

Nic Benders: We're focusing on three key areas: AI monitoring, team collaboration, and incident management. AI is a major area of exploration, with companies looking for ways to leverage it for internal operations and customer experiences. We recently launched an AI monitoring product and will continue to develop this further. Team collaboration is another focus, where we're looking to integrate human and system information to improve troubleshooting and onboarding processes. Finally, incident management is crucial for maintaining high availability and resolving issues efficiently. These efforts will be a collaborative effort between our teams in the US, Europe, and India, with the Hyderabad team playing a vital role in driving innovation.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Nic Benders: In the world of software development, measuring quality and user satisfaction is often overlooked. At New Relic, we understand that this is fundamental to success. The Hyderabad team brings a fresh perspective and diverse range of experiences that will be invaluable in shaping the future of our company. New Relic's ability to reinvent itself is a core strength, and I believe this new chapter will be fueled by the talent and innovation we're bringing on board.
