
HSC committed to pushing boundaries of what's possible: Vinod Sood

Diverse portfolio spans across areas such as networking and 5G, media streaming, retail, automotive, IoT, NFV/SDN, cloud, AI/ML, blockchain, security, satellite systems, and Wi-Fi engineering, enabling us to offer cutting-edge solutions to clients.

Pradeep Chakraborty
New Update

Vinod Sood, HSC.

Hughes Systique Corp. (HSC), part of the Hughes Group, is an award-winning software solutions and services company that has been instrumental in steering the digital transformation journey of its clients from the forefront. 


Its innovative solutions and solution accelerators are in the areas of networking, media streaming, retail, IoT, blockchain, and security. Vinod Sood, Co-founder and MD, Hughes Systique Corp. (HSC), tells us more. Excerpts from an interview: 

DQ: Can you tell us about the journey of Hughes Systique Corporation from its inception to becoming a global player in digital solutions?

Vinod Sood: Since its establishment in January 2006, Hughes Systique Corp. (HSC)  has embarked on a remarkable journey to become a leading provider of digital engineering solutions worldwide. At the heart of our journey lies a commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.


From our inception, we have focused on providing end-to-end product engineering and R&D services, catering to a diverse range of industries and sectors. Our dedication to quality is evident through our numerous certifications, including CMMi and PCMM Level 5, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, and ISO 27701:2019, underscoring our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards.

One of the key drivers of our success has been our relentless pursuit of innovation. We continually invest in R&D to stay at the forefront of emerging technologies and industry trends. 

Our diverse portfolio spans areas such as networking and 5G, media streaming, retail, automotive, IoT, NFV/SDN, cloud, AI/ML, blockchain, security, satellite systems, and Wi-Fi engineering, enabling us to offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients.


Headquartered in Rockville, MD, USA, with a significant presence in Gurugram, India, HS operates multiple R&D centers equipped with top-notch talent and infrastructure. Our global footprint allows us to serve clients across the globe, delivering exceptional solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Over the years, we have built a reputation for excellence, reliability, and innovation, positioning ourselves as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of digital technologies. As we continue on our journey, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, driving positive change, and delivering value to our clients and stakeholders alike.

DQ: What inspired you to establish Hughes Systique, and what values did you prioritize in shaping the company culture?


Vinod Sood: The inspiration behind establishing Hughes Systique stemmed from a vision to create a company that excelled in providing innovative digital engineering solutions while prioritizing customer satisfaction and employee well-being. The founders recognized a growing demand for reliable and cutting-edge technology services and saw an opportunity to fill that gap by establishing a company that prioritized quality, innovation, and integrity.

From the outset, we prioritized several core values that continue to shape our company culture today. Firstly, we emphasized a commitment to excellence, striving to deliver the highest quality solutions and services to our clients. This commitment to quality is reflected in our certifications and the rigorous standards we adhere to in every aspect of our work. 

Secondly, we fostered a culture of innovation, encouraging our employees to think creatively, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of what's possible. Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to continuously evolve and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing industry.


Additionally, we prioritized integrity and transparency in all our dealings, building trust with our clients, employees, and stakeholders. We believe in conducting business ethically and with the utmost professionalism, ensuring that our actions align with our values at all times. 

As a company, we recognize the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive work environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed. We prioritize employee well-being, offering opportunities for growth, learning, and development, and fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork.

By prioritizing these values, we have been able to establish Hughes Systique Corp. as a trusted partner for businesses seeking innovative digital solutions, while also creating a workplace where employees thrive and contribute to our collective success.


DQ: Can you elaborate on Hughes Systique's approach to redefining connectivity through its end-to-end ecosystem, and how it's specifically tailored to transform industries?

Vinod Sood: Hughes Systique Corp. (HSC) stands at the forefront of redefining the connectivity through its comprehensive end-to-end ecosystem tailored to transform industries, particularly in defense. Leveraging the revolutionary capabilities of 5G technology, HSC offers a paradigm shift in defense networks, enhancing operational efficiency, strategic agility, and situational awareness on the battlefield.

By harnessing the ultra-reliable and low-latency communications of 5G, Hughes Systique enables seamless coordination and communication for armed forces, facilitating real-time battlefield coordination and ad hoc networks in emergencies. The network slicing feature ensures strict segmentation and prioritization, optimizing network resources for critical operations.


Moreover, HSC pioneers the application of 5G in autonomous vehicles and drones, supporting remote operation and control to mitigate risks to human operators. The integration of 5G-powered augmented reality enhances training effectiveness, while real-time enemy surveillance systems provide invaluable intelligence for tactical decision-making.

With specific use cases showcased globally, including initiatives by the Indian Armed Forces and collaborations with the US Department of Defense and Latvian Military Testbed, Hughes Systique's transformative approach to connectivity underscores its commitment to revolutionizing defense networks and shaping the future of military operations.

DQ: As a leader in digital engineering solutions, what role does Hughes Systique play in addressing emerging technologies such as IoT, AI/ML, and blockchain? 

Vinod Sood: In the realm of IoT, HSC excels in designing and implementing comprehensive IoT ecosystems that enable seamless connectivity and data exchange between devices and systems. From smart home solutions to industrial IoT applications, Hughes Systique's IoT expertise spans various industries, driving efficiency, productivity, and innovation. 

When it comes to AI/ML, HSC harnesses the power of advanced algorithms and machine learning models to unlock valuable insights from data and automate complex tasks. Whether it's predictive analytics, natural language processing, or computer vision, HSC's AI/ML solutions empower businesses to make data-driven decisions and drive competitive advantage.

In the domain of blockchain, HSC specializes in developing secure and decentralized applications that leverage blockchain technology to enhance transparency, security, and trust in various business processes. From supply chain management to digital identity verification, HSC's blockchain solutions offer unparalleled security and reliability.

Overall, HSC's role in addressing emerging technologies revolves around innovation, expertise, and client-centric approach, driving digital transformation and shaping the future of industries across the globe.

DQ: What sets Hughes Systique apart from other players in the industry, and how do you envision the company's role in shaping the future of digital engineering? 

Vinod Sood: Hughes Systique distinguishes itself through a multifaceted approach encompassing cutting-edge technologies, commitment to innovation, and its people-centric culture. With a focus on developing new-age solutions in-house and fostering a culture of creativity and excellence,. 

As an American company, we prioritize customer Intellectual Property (IP) protection, upheld by our certifications in CMMi Level 5, ISO 9001:2008, and ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Our adherence to values of fairness, respect, and openness underscores our commitment to being an equal opportunity employer, where employees are encouraged to voice suggestions and concerns.

While HSC, being a mid-sized company, we are a part of the larger Hughes Group, which enables us to bring the best of both the worlds for our customers. While we are nimble and dutifully follow the Agile philosophy, we also ensure that processes and quality is not compromised at any cost.. 

Our world-class Infrastructure and Development Center (IDC) ensures seamless project execution, while our established data privacy framework reflects our unwavering commitment to protecting personal information across our global operations. In shaping the future of digital engineering, Hughes Systique envisions pioneering advancements driven by innovation, integrity, and  excellence.

DQ: Can you elaborate on Hughes Systique's approach to employee development and well-being, and how it contributes to the company's overall success? 


Vinod Sood: At HSC, just like customer centricity, employee centricity is also an important part of our cultural fabric. It acts as the cornerstone to our very foundational values. Overall wellbeing of the employees has always been prioritised at HSC, be it mental, physical or intellectual.

Every HSCian from Day 1 is covered with Term, Medical (for self and family), Accidental Insurance, and they are beneficiaries of state-of-the-art campuses replete with recreational areas A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, so we serve nutritious ' home-like' meals to our employees, on the house. 

Covering the curative and preventive aspects of wellness, our employees avail the services of a fully equipped gym 24x7 and practice Yoga thrice a week with expert practitioners. Additionally, a specialist physiotherapist and an acupressure doctor visit the HSC campus thrice a week. Through YourDost, we offer emotional wellbeing support and counselling to those who require it at any time of the day. 

Then, there are special platforms like the Circle of Support -- a collaborative, empathetic forum, which encourages dialogue among our women employees.

Hybrid working is the new normal now, but, at HSC, even before the pandemic, we had the Flexi time policy, which by definition, explains that we do not observe strict office timings, allowing HSCians to relax, rejuvenate and maintain their work-life balance. 

We follow an open-door policy at HSC and our employees, irrespective of hierarchy, are free to reach out for help to their managers, Engineering Groups Heads, Engineering Head or for that matter even to me. Apart from that there are many internal avenues for the employees to voice their concerns or suggestions like Zero hour, Your Ideas Matter, Q2M etc., and anonymously through Amber.

For learning and growth, there are the Center of Excellence, seminars and trainings organized by the L&D team, monthly Tech Talks, and flagship engineering events like Tech Day, Hackathon, and the Best Practices Conclave. 

For our employees who like to find time, pause and refresh, we have a dedicated cricket team  and a football group, and badminton and table tennis keeps the dopamine running. 

DQ: Cam you elaborate on HSC’s approach to ensuring data privacy and security in its solutions, particularly in the context of IoT and blockchain applications? 

Vinod Sood: Hughes Systique prioritizes data privacy and security as fundamental principles in all our solutions, especially in the context of IoT and Blockchain applications where sensitive information is involved.

In IoT solutions, where vast amounts of data are generated and exchanged between interconnected devices, we implement robust security measures at every stage of the data lifecycle. This includes ensuring secure communication protocols, encryption of data in transit and at rest, authentication and access control mechanisms, and regular security audits and assessments. 

Additionally, we emphasize the importance of implementing security-by-design principles, where security considerations are integrated into the design and development process from the outset.

Similarly, in blockchain applications, where the integrity and immutability of data are paramount, we employ encryption, cryptographic hashing, and consensus mechanisms to ensure the security and integrity of transactions and data stored on the blockchain. We also implement access control mechanisms to regulate user permissions and restrict unauthorized access to sensitive information. 

Moreover, we adhere to industry best practices and standards such as ISO 27001 and GDPR to ensure compliance with DPR and standards. We also invest in ongoing training and education for our employees to raise awareness of data privacy and security best practices and ensure adherence to our security policies and procedures.

DQ: With the rapid advancement of cloud technologies, how does Hughes Systique assist its clients in migrating and optimizing their infrastructure for the cloud?

Vinod Sood: Firstly, we conduct a thorough assessment of our clients' existing infrastructure, applications, and workloads to understand their specific needs, challenges, and objectives. Based on this assessment, we develop a tailored cloud migration strategy that aligns with their business goals and legal compliance requirements. 

Next, we assist our clients in planning and executing the migration process, ensuring minimal disruption to their operations while maximizing the benefits of cloud technology. This includes selecting the appropriate cloud strategy like public vs private cloud, Hybrid or single cloud platform, choosing right platform (such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), determining the optimal migration approach (lift-and-shift, re-platforming, or re-architecting), and implementing best practices for security, compliance, and performance.

During the migration phase, we provide support and guidance to our clients' teams, helping them navigate the complexities of cloud migration and ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud environment. We also utilize automation and DevOps practices to streamline the migration process and accelerate time-to-value. We also work with our clients in re-architecting application as and where required due to cloud migration. 

Another most important aspect of cloud migration is ensuring the security of applications and data on cloud; we believe in designing for security and ensure security from the step 1 of cloud migration process. Once the migration is complete, we continue to work closely with our clients to optimize their cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and scalability. 

This includes implementing cloud cost management strategies, fine-tuning application performance, and harnesses on cloud-native services and technologies to drive innovation and agility. Overall, our goal is to help our clients harness the full potential of cloud technology to achieve their business objectives, whether it's reducing costs, improving agility, or accelerating innovation. 

By providing end-to-end support and expertise in cloud migration and optimization, we empower our clients to thrive in the cloud-first era and stay ahead of the competition.

DQ: How does Hughes Systique contribute to the development of intelligent monetization platforms, particularly in the context of Wi-Fi analytics and seamless Wi-Fi access platform (SWAP) solutions? 

Vinod Sood: HSC has been working towards bolstering connectivity and providing invaluable insights, particularly in sectors like Hospitality and Retail. Our solution portfolio, that comprises of the seamless Wi-Fi access platform (SWAP) and the intelligent monetization platform (IMP), is designed to elevate customer experiences, while unlocking new revenue streams for businesses.

SWAP serves as a robust end-to-end Wi-Fi management platform, leveraging innovative technologies such as Hotspot 2.0 (PassPoint) to simplify and secure user connections. Beyond this, SWAP offers in-depth Wi-Fi analytics, empowering businesses to make informed decisions based on user behaviour. With SWAP, enterprises benefit from standardized and centralized Wi-Fi access management, granting control over Wi-Fi services across diverse properties, networks, and geographical locations.

But, our commitment to enhancing enterprise capabilities extends further with our intelligent monetization platform (IMP). 

IMP goes beyond connectivity enhancement by offering profound insights derived from multiple data sources within the enterprise. By amalgamating and correlating various customer attributes, IMP delivers actionable insights that drive business growth. The platform seamlessly integrates with SWAP and other existing systems within the business ecosystem.

With intuitive dashboards, IMP facilitates easy visualization and monitoring of key business performance indicators. Drawing from sources such as nextgeneration hotspot solutions, loyalty databases, PoS data, and more, HSC's IMP extracts valuable customer attributes, enabling businesses to unlock the full potential of their data assets.

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