
Bridging the Skill Gap with IT Training: Siva Prasad Nanduri, Diensten Tech Ltd

Siva Prasad Nanduri, CEO of Diensten Tech Limited, discusses how non-tech professionals can overcome their fear of IT skills, the significance of initiatives like "Beyond Code," and the impact of continuous IT training on employability and professional growth.

Punam Singh
New Update

Siva Prasad Nanduri, CEO, Diensten Tech Ltd

The importance of IT skills has never been more pronounced. In an era of technology, as industries evolve and adopt advanced technologies, the demand for professionals adept in these skills grows exponentially.


In an exclusive interaction with Dataquest, Siva Prasad Nanduri, CEO at Diensten Tech Limited shared his insights into overcoming the fear of learning IT skills, the role of initiatives like “Beyond Code” and the impact of continuous IT training on employability and professional growth.


DQ: How can non-tech professionals overcome the fear of learning IT skills, and what is the success rate in terms of employability and professional growth?


Siva Prasad Nanduri: There are two to three elements to this question. In today's technology landscape, many tools within the industry don't require knowledge of programming languages or logic, unlike in the past. Previously, IT professionals needed coding skills and logical reasoning. However, with tools like low code and no code, non-IT professionals can become successful IT professionals. They can compete effectively because it's not that they can't compete with IT professionals. Instead, they need to invest time in finding tools that will enable them to become proficient software engineers.

But if let's say, somebody from a non-IT background wants to build strong programming language skills, it's imperative that they learn logic and start with basic programming languages like Java or even, before Java, I would suggest C and C++. Then, they can progress to Java and subsequently become proficient programmers.

DQ: As technology and innovation continue to evolve rapidly, IT roles themselves are transcending their traditional boundaries. What factor makes IT skills even more crucial for non-technical professionals to learn?


Siva Prasad Nanduri: I mean, it's a vast landscape to answer this but to stay on course, AI is only going to create more jobs. It won't disrupt jobs; it won't eliminate them. Yes, there might be areas like BPO where AI tools take over some tasks, but in the long run, there will be a need for many programmers, even in AI. It's not just about development; there will be numerous jobs in the AI field.

DQ: DTL has introduced an initiative called "Beyond Code." How does "Beyond Code" address the skill gap between technical and non-technical professionals? And, what concepts does it cover in its curriculum?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: There are two to three elements to this. One aspect is that non-tech professionals need essential tools to become proficient developers. We ensure they have a platform to learn those skills. For example, if you're a full-stack developer wanting to transition to a cutting-edge AI platform, we provide skill upgrades so you can excel as a programmer beyond just the code.


DQ: How do IT skilling programs like "Beyond Code" contribute to the career advancement and professional growth of individuals, such as content writers or designers, who may not have a technical background but participate in these programs?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: Technology typically changes every eight to ten years, although the pace of change is accelerating. In the last five years alone, we've seen significant shifts in technology stacks. For instance, we transitioned from Foxbase to FoxPro, then to Microsoft technologies like Visual Basic, and so on. In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, it's crucial for both IT and non-IT professionals aiming to enter the job market to possess the competency to learn and adapt to new technologies. Industry demand no longer revolves around vanilla skills; rather, a combination of skills is essential for success.

And that is where upskilling and reskilling become important. Initiatives like "Beyond Code" are designed to help individuals become better software professionals.


DQ: What organizational advantages are gained from investing in IT training, particularly in AI and technical skills, as seen in initiatives by big tech companies?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: Today, it's crucial for every organization to invest in training, reskilling, and upskilling because technology is constantly evolving. Individuals need to continuously update their skills to remain relevant in the industry and build a long-term career in IT. This investment isn't limited to AI; it also encompasses learning and development (L&D). Reskilling and upskilling have become essential components of organizational growth and work-life cycles in recent years.

DQ: Do you believe these investments contribute to their efficiency, productivity, and overall competitiveness both within and outside the company?


Siva Prasad Nanduri: As long as you're familiar with the latest technology, you're always in high demand within the organization. As more people learn new skills, those who have upskilled become a priority. Additionally, you may receive a slight premium in pay because your chances of securing better jobs or projects are higher compared to those who haven't upskilled or reskilled their IT skills.

DQ: How can companies effectively invest in continuously training their employees, considering the rapid evolution of technology and the emergence of AI assistance in IT skills, which may require costly programs to keep employees updated?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: Fundamentally, people may not fully understand that while AI tools can provide the programming structure, they can't determine what needs to be written. Ultimately, product development must align with the business's nature. AI doesn't yet enable overnight product development. Even before AI, there were tools like low code and no code that didn't require programming skills to build software. These tools represent an older form of AI. There are multiple such tools available.


On the current trend, the hype around AI can assist in structuring a program, but it won't fully build the product as desired. Human intervention is essential to guide AI in aligning with the product vision. As humans, instead of nurturing AI, we are becoming more apprehensive about it.

DQ: With our increasing reliance on technology, do you believe that human creativity and the human touch might become obsolete in the coming decades?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: I believe that in every industry, there have been moments of disruption, such as the Y2K bug in 2000 or the dot-com boom. Despite these disruptions, more jobs have been created over time. Market metrics suggest that the current 5.5 million IT jobs are expected to increase to 8 million over the next five years. Therefore, I don't see a reason why jobs should decrease. The fear of AI disrupting job markets is just a perception.

Yes, there will be disruption, but at the same time, there will be a lot of job market opportunities created both in India and across the globe.

DQ: What specific job roles do you anticipate emerging in the upcoming years, considering the decline of manual tasks like data entry and typing?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: A lot of jobs will be created in the data field, including roles in data science, data engineering, and data modeling. Additionally, hyper skills such as quantum engineering, machine learning, and cybersecurity will see increased demand. As the industry evolves, new segments are emerging within the IT sector, attracting growth from non-IT industries. Therefore, roles in data engineering, data science, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity are expected to be in high demand.

DQ: Are we implying that individuals without technical skills will struggle to survive in the future in the job market, given our discussion on the importance of non-technical professionals learning IT skills?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: It depends on the industry you're in. Automation is prevalent across various sectors, such as manufacturing, where robots play a significant role. However, automation also leads to the creation of more jobs in sectors like automobile manufacturing. Therefore, the impact varies based on the industry. By upgrading skills, individuals can enhance their job prospects. Additionally, the new educational policy emphasizes skill-based education, aiming to improve employability. India doesn't suffer from a lack of jobs but rather from an employability issue, highlighting the importance of skill development.

So I believe that the more skilled you are, the faster you can secure employment and the greater the number of job opportunities available to you.

DQ: Is DTL running any specific in-house programs to train and upskill their employees?

Siva Prasad Nanduri: Yes, we do. However, our focus is primarily on IT. Apart from a few industries like manufacturing and supply chain management, our business is predominantly IT-based. We consistently conduct programs on reskilling, upskilling, and higher train deployment, which is a significant aspect of our business. We collaborate with approximately 200 different corporate clients in India for this purpose. These programs are tailored to meet the specific requirements of our customers. 
