
Inside Infosys' Metaverse journey

Gopikrishnan throws light on the Metaverse Foundry, the signature experiences Infosys can provide, and how the company will rely on one of its key strengths for relevant talent transformation.

Vaishnavi Desai
New Update
Infosys Metaverse

The race for Metaverse advantage is heating up. Early this year, Infosys made an announcement of foraying into Metaverse, with the launch of Metaverse Foundry. The message of the intent was clear: Focus on enterprises discovering value in Metaverse with 100+ ready-to-apply use cases and templates. In fact some of the latter's customers--Tennis Australia, Komatsu, French Tennis Federation--were quick to be mentioned in the testimonial format in the company statement.


Though not a novel idea and been around for ages now, IT giants are focused on this shiny new toy or rather an trillion dollar toy. As people spend more of their precious time in the digital world, they would want to improve their persona out there, build communities, interact and eventually spend money. Grayscale estimates the virtual gaming world revenue to be $400 billion in 2025 up from $180 billion in 2020. And get this, gaming is just one part of the entire Metaverse, which will expand to trillion dollar revenue ticket across #events, advertising, commerce, name it, you will digitally have it. Though still taking shape, Metaverse will transform the way we interact, close business deals and affect the internet and our lives.

In this episode of Deep Takes, we will deep dive into Infosys' metaverse journey. As the interest around Metaverse intensifies, technology players are racing to provide their clients the right experiences. But will this result in a widespread enterprise adoption? Will this transition into relevant use cases? To talk about this and more, Gopikrishnan Konnanath, Senior VP, Global head of Engineering Services and Blockchain at Infosys, joins us on the podcast.


In due course of the conversation, Gopikrishnan throws light on the Metaverse Foundry, the signature experiences Infosys can provide, the competitive advantage and how the company will rely on one of its key strengths for relevant talent transformation for its Metaverse agenda to succeed.
