
Why is it imperative for businesses to embrace hyperautomation?

Where automation is the use of technology to free humans from non-productive mundane tasks, hyperautomation adds AI and ML

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Before automation moved to the forefront as one of the emerging technologies, many businesses were reluctant to implement it. Business owners feared change and employees were worried about losing their jobs. Cut to 2020, things have changed drastically, courtesy- COVID19. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to create ripples across the globe. Many organizations are facing unprecedented challenges with respect to functioning of their core business and generating revenues to ensure timely payments to its employees, vendors etc.


However, some organizations are facing an increase in transactional work such as increase in medical insurance claims, rise in customer care calls for cancellations etc. Such organizations are finding it difficult to manage the increased workload due to the lockdown measures which mandate employees to work remotely. There is no certain timeframe that can be arrived at for the return to normalcy. Hence, organizations are unsure as to how long they must navigate these challenges and if it is worthwhile to make long-term investments and permanently change the approach to business and operations.

Hyperautomation is the answer!

Hyperautomation is the top trend on Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020. Before we talk more on how hyperautomation can help organizations achieve more with less, let's first understand what it means. As defined by Gartner, Hyperautomation deals with the application of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to increasingly automate processes and augment humans. Hyper-automation extends across a range of tools that can be automated, but also refers to the sophistication of the automation (i.e., discover, analyse, design, automate, measure, monitor, reassess.).


So, is it same as robotic process automation?

No, hyperautomation goes beyond just automating the tasks. It involves a combination of tools including Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Big Data Analytics, with a goal of increasing AI-driven decision making. These emerging technologies are combined with automation, to deal with more complex problems and simplify business processes.

Simply put, AI is what differentiates hyperautomation from standard automation approaches. Where automation is the use of technology to free humans from non-productive mundane tasks, hyperautomation adds AI and ML to automation processes, making bots smarter and thereby enhancing their use-case potential.


Will hyperautomation lead to loss of jobs?

Hyperautomation does not mean the end of manual jobs but it focuses more on value-based roles. It is about increased collaboration with humans as they are key decision-makers and can use the technology to interpret data logically and apply it to design business strategies. It rather creates promotion opportunities as people can focus on more productive tasks. It improves the quality of jobs by eliminating mundane and exhausting human processes which leads to increased productivity and higher output. It will enable the personnel to engage better in their professional roles which will become more strategic and analytical with the implementation of hyperautomation.

5 key benefits of Hyperautomation:

  1. Reduces human efforts
  2. Shrinks the risk of human errors
  3. Continual increase in productivity and higher output
  4. Improves quality of jobs
  5. Increases team collaboration

Now is the time to Hyperautomate!

While any crisis is bad, it always breeds a new set of necessities – which, as they say, is always the mother of all invention. While several forms of automation have been around for a while, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased its importance. Adding intelligence to the automation is the next logical step.


Lockdown measures may ease out in a while but things won’t exactly be the same as before and thus, adopting hyperautomation will become imperative for organizations. New norms will be created for business operations in the post-pandemic world and there’s no doubt businesses will become increasingly dependent on automation. Now is the right time to strengthen the human-machine collaboration as it can enable organizations to navigate the difficult times ahead.

By Neelesh Kripalani, Sr. VP & Head- Center of Excellence, Clover Infotech
