IIT Madras is now a offering a free online course for electrical engineers on NPTEL to help them prepare for more advances courses. The free online course called “Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers” aims at laying the foundation for students to take courses such as digital or wireless communications, adaptive signal processing and communication networks.
The course will be conducted by Prof Andrew Thangaraj who has a BTech in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, and Prof R Aravind who has a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and is now a faculty member at the Department of Electrical Engineering in IIT Madras.
What the IIT Madras Free Online Course for Electrical Engineers Covers
Applicants of the course are required to have an understanding of basic calculus. The 12-week long course will cover the following topics:
- Probability space
- Conditional probability
- Independence
- Discrete random variables
- Conditional and joint distributions
- Independent random variables, functions of two random variables
- Continuous random variables
- Jointly distributed random variables
- Transformations of random variables, expectations
- Expectation, variance and correlation
- Conditional expectation
- Law of large numbers
How to Apply for IIT Madras Free Online Course for Electrical Engineers
Those who wish to enroll for the course will have to visit the official website and click on the Join button. The course begins from 18 January 2021 onwards, and those who wish to receive certificates will have to pay a sum of Rs 1000 and take an examination to be conducted on 25 April 2021. Those who wish to know more about the course are advised to go through the official website for more information.