
IIT Madras Invites Applications for Online Course on Quantum Computing

IIT Madras is poised to contribute to the growing demand for skilled professionals in quantum computing and facilitate further exploration

New Update

IIT Madras has introduced a new course on quantum computing as the filed has taken giant strides over the past decade. The institute says that there is a widespread interest in quantum computing and information, both in academia and increasingly in industry at present due to which courses like this have become necessary. There are two courses, which are 12 weeks long each that are being offered in sequence. 


The first course is called “Introduction to Quantum Computing and Qiskit”, and the second course is called “Advanced Quantum Computing and Applications”. The course will be conducted by Dr. Prabha Mandayam, IIT Madras, Dr. Chandrashekar Radhakrishnan, IIT Madras and Dhiraj Madan from IBM Research, India among others. Upon successfully completing the course, participants will also be rewarded certificates.

What the IIT Madras Online Course on Quantum Computing Will Cover?

In the introductory course titled "Introduction to Quantum Computing and Qiskit," participants are taken through a comprehensive journey that begins with an introduction to the fundamental concept of a quantum bit and its properties. The course further progresses to teach and illustrate essential quantum algorithms, including search and factoring. Designed to be inclusive, the course accommodates individuals with a basic understanding of linear algebra and Python programming. Notably, all the algorithms covered in the course are complemented by live demonstrations on existing quantum hardware, utilizing IBM Qiskit technology. The first course comprises of 39 hours of recorded videos and 12 online live interactive sessions with the faculty


In the advanced course titled "Advanced Quantum Computing and Applications," participants delve into the realm of contemporary quantum algorithms employed in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Notable topics covered include the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), quantum-inspired techniques for optimization problem-solving, and the integration of quantum machine learning. The course dedicates a module to the critical aspects of quantum error correction and quantum error mitigation, essential for the effectiveness of quantum algorithms within the NISQ era. Additionally, learners are introduced to emerging software tools like qiskit runtime and the process of transpiling quantum circuits. The second course comprises of 33 hours of recorded videos and 11 online live interactive sessions with the faculty.

Important Details of the IIT Madras Online Course on Quantum Computing

Participants also need to note the following details of the online course:

  • Participants need to watch around 6 hours of video content every week.
  • In an effort to facilitate enhanced learning and provide clarifications, a weekly live interaction session has been scheduled every Saturday.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the corresponding faculty and discuss the module content covered during the week.
  • This interactive session aims to address queries, foster meaningful discussions, and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the course material.

Details of the IIT Madras Online Course Certificate

Upon fulfilling the following criteria, participants will be eligible to receive a certification of completion as recognition of their achievement:

  • Successful completion of all course modules and assignments.
  • Submit assignments and final evaluation of all modules.
  • Submit feedback forms for all modules.

Those who wish to take the course are advised to visit the official website for more information.
