
Hello, Mr Chips

DQI Bureau
New Update

Government of Maharashtra promoted the Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation (MKCL)
that is working on an ambitious project to introduce digital schools across
450 secondary schools run by an educational institution named Rayat Shikshan


According to MKCLs managing director Vivek Sawant, the digital schools
concept allows students to learn various subjects and curricula not just by
informed methods but by performed methods that require a lot of software
support, innovative e-content, and learning facilitation support for teachers.

"The performed method will enable students to perform even science
experiments in a simulation environment and will get experience of discussion
forms, chats, and social networking environments. This will enable them to be
better prepared for the twenty-first centurys cultural ethos in the knowledge
economy. Thats the basic idea of the project," says Sawant.

Further, Sawant says this year the scheme will be introduced at Rayat
Shikshan Sanstha, and we aim to touch some 3,52,000 students by using
NComputings technology. "This is a pilot project and its results will help the
initiative to spread across the state," he hopes.


Pune based MKCL will provide e-content for the project in English, Marathi,
and Hindi languages. However, according to Sawant, MKCL will develop the content
in other languages also but after some years, as schools in Maharashtra provides
education in ten different languages like Urdu, Gujarati, Sindhi, Telugu,
Kannada, among others.

The digital schools concept will use MKCLs e-learning framework called
e-Learning Revolution for All (ERA) platforms. ERA provides personalized
learning environment for students with access to e-content and various services
like forums, chats, and rich voice over in different languages to allow learning
via hearing educational content.


"It not only provides learning content but also provides interactive and
practice sessions with assignments and case studies. Apart from this, it has
certain utilities whereby students can collaborate with other students and
teachers. Also they can collaborate with remote experts using distributive
classrooms," Sawant explains.

Other features of ERA include tools for assessment, evaluation, and facility
for developing content, which is similar to a content factory where people
sitting remotely create and contribute new content for learning, he adds.

Moreover, Sawant concludes that the content factory is part of ERA, which
also has other management systems such as content, assignments, distributive
classrooms, online evaluation, and assessment and feedback. Recently, MKCLs
1,000 learning centers were computerized.


Pankaj Maru/CIOL
