
Going Digital has always been the mantra for Essar

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Going Digital - what does it mean to you and your organization?

Going Digital has always been the mantra for Essar irrespective of the verticals, may it be Steel, Power, Ports, Shipping, Agro, etc. While the focus has always been to leverage on the latest technology trends over the past many decades, adapting new trends has become the way of work life at Essar.

Smart Manufacturing Industry revolution 4.0 is the blend of cyber-physical systems with an automated chain of processes in the production cycle. The “IoT” trend has completely revolutionized the industry outlook and has opened up a whole lot of horizons with sensorbased solutions throughout the entire value chain within the Enterprises. Talking about Ports, Shipping, and Logistics industry – there are numerous opportunities to adapt for the Organisations and embrace the smart digitalized way of working.


What is your Digital Transformation plan?

Essar has always been one of the front-runners when it comes to embracing the latest technology trends and leverage on the Digital journey to create positive impact throughout the business value chain. In this era of Smart Manufacturing Industry 4.0 – We intend to continue our journey towards Digital Transformation by identifying the right use cases in different aspects of business production cycles. This confidence definitely comes with the great support from senior management, excellent leadership, flexible work culture, colleagues with a positive attitude and technical skill sets.

In one of my role as the CIO for Essar Ports & Shipping business, IT team is completely aligned and in sync with the Digital strategy of overall Essar led by Jayantha Prabhu as the CIO. This includes a strategy to handle the overall IT lifecycle keeping operational aspects in mind and work closely with business teams to further identify the areas of Digital Transformation aligned with business priorities. Whilst my another role demands the technical mindset to evaluate the solutions keeping in mind the Data Security aspects and integration with collaboration tools as a part of modern workplace across Essar.


As always, the focus will be to continue embracing Technology not for the sake of implementation but for towards positive impact on business value chain and seamless customer experience.

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