
Generative AI models like ChatGPT can be used to streamline IT operations

how the benefits of ChatGPT and how it can revolutionise IT operations with the power of AI. Work-related stress and burnout.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update
Sanjesh Rao 2 550x300

The quality of services offered to users has been impacted by the rise in workplace stress and burnout among IT operations workers, which has decreased productivity and increased turnover. Organisations are therefore using automation to address this problem. One tool that has shown great potential in this area is ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model. 


In this interview Sanjesh talk about ChatGPT's capabilities, current IT operations difficulties, and some of the advantages of using it. Sanjesh Rao is Head Products, ITO at Hexaware Technologies. Excerpts:

In recent years, businesses have advanced from digitization to complete digital transformation, with most operations becoming digitised and large amounts of data entering the systems. What are some of the primary difficulties that industries face in terms of IT operations as data flow and demand increase? 

Sanjesh: As data flow and demand increase, IT operations teams face several primary difficulties, including data management, infrastructure automation, and leveraging ML for predictive insights. One needs to use advanced technologies and automation platforms which can help organizations manage these complexities. And these platforms should provide data aggregation and streaming capabilities, leverage ML for predictive insights. By leveraging advanced technologies, organizations can reduce their workload and improve efficiency. Hexaware's TensAI platform precisely does this and is well-equipped to help organizations optimize their operations and achieve digital transformation goals.


How can automation assist in addressing these issues? What are some of the important technologies that are assisting industries in overcoming bottlenecks and increasing operational efficiency for IT operations? 

Sanjesh: Automation is crucial for addressing the challenges faced by IT operations today. By automating routine tasks and processes, IT operations teams can free up time and resources to focus on more strategic initiatives and address critical issues more quickly, improving the overall reliability of IT infrastructure. To this end, there are several technologies that assist industries in overcoming bottlenecks and increasing operational efficiency for IT operations, such as AI and ML, cloud computing, automation tools, and DevOps practices. Our TensAI automation fabric is specifically designed to address these issues with over 600 built-in bots, provide end-to-end automation capabilities and help organizations enhance their performance, lower costs, and provide better service to their users. Overall, automation and advanced technologies are essential for addressing the challenges faced by IT operations teams today. Such technologies can help organizations overcome their challenges, delivering better outcomes for IT operations and the business as a whole.

Generative AI has recently gained popularity; can you explain on some of the major complex aspects of Generative AI models such as ChatGPT? 


Sanjesh: Generative AI models like ChatGPT can generate natural language text that is similar to human-generated text. These models use deep learning algorithms to analyze and learn from vast amounts of text data to generate responses that are coherent and contextually relevant. However, these models can be complex and require significant computing resources to train and run. One of the major challenges with generative AI models is the sheer amount of data required to train them effectively. There is also a risk that generative AI models can be used to generate misleading or fake information. To address this, it's important to ensure that the data used to train these models is accurate and unbiased, and that the models are rigorously tested before deployment. ChatGPT and similar models incorporate filters and moderation mechanisms to ensure the generated text is appropriate for the intended audience. Overall, generative AI models like ChatGPT have the potential to provide valuable insights and assist in a wide range of applications, from natural language processing to customer service and support, but careful development and deployment are critical.

How might solutions like ChatGPT help to streamline and improve IT operations? What are some of the areas where it can help minimise the workload on the workforce? Please share some specific use-cases. 

Sanjesh: ChatGPT and other AI language models have the potential to streamline and improve IT operations by automating routine tasks and providing real-time support. By using natural language processing, these models can understand user requests and provide relevant solutions, reducing the workload on IT staff and improving response times. 


For example, ChatGPT can be trained to provide instant answers to common help desk inquiries, such as password resets or printer issues, freeing up help desk staff to focus on more complex issues. It can also be used for technical troubleshooting, providing step-by-step instructions for resolving issues or escalating them to human IT staff members if needed.

Additionally, ChatGPT can automate IT alert notifications by monitoring system logs and sending notifications to the appropriate staff members via email or chat. This can help reduce the workload on IT teams and ensure critical issues are addressed promptly. 

Overall, ChatGPT and similar AI language models can significantly improve IT operations by minimizing the workload on the workforce and improving efficiency. By automating routine tasks and providing real-time support, IT teams can focus on more strategic initiatives and address critical issues more quickly.


How is Hexaware Technologies incorporating technologies such as ChatGPT into its day-to-day operations? 

Sanjesh: In addition to chat, generative AI models like ChatGPT can be used as backend accelerators to enable AI in IT operations, as exemplified by Tensai. Tensai leverages generative AI to automate routine IT tasks, troubleshoot technical issues, and provide real-time support. By using generative AI as a backend accelerator, Tensai enables IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives and address critical issues more quickly, improving overall efficiency and reliability. 

For example, Tensai's Batten, knowledge AI engine, can generate solutions to customer problems and fix them faster and more accurately than human engineers. By providing recommendations based on past solutions and identifying patterns in customer issues, Batten can improve the overall quality of IT support and reduce the workload on IT staff. Overall, generative AI models like ChatGPT can be used as backend accelerators to enable AI in IT operations and improve efficiency and reliability. 


By leveraging generative AI as a tool for automation, troubleshooting, and support, organizations like Hexaware can streamline their IT operations and achieve their digital transformation goals more effectively.
