- Earned revenues of Rs 132 crore
- Commenced manufacturing at Bangalore plant
American Power Conversion India is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of American Power Conversion Inc, USA. DQ estimates that the company closed1999-2000 with a total revenue of Rs 132 crore, a growth of 17% over theprevious fiscal. The company commenced its manufacturing activities from itsmanufacturing plant in Bangalore. The company, which was
primarilyknown as an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) unit vendor in the country,repositioned itself as a power solutions company through the launch of a widerange of products. These included line interactive and online intelligent UPSsystems, power management software, UPS accessories, surge suppressors, dataline and power line.
COUNTRY GM: Anand Iyer START-UP YEAR: 1994 PRODUCTS& SERVICES: UPS systems TECHNICAL COLLABORATIONS: APC Inc, USA (parentcompany) ADDRESS: 27 Lavelle Road, Bangalore 560 001 TEL: 221 3798, 221 3847FAX: 221 3816 WEBSITE:
- Net profit zoomed 139%
- US contributed 91% to total exports
Chennai-based Hexaware grew 45% in revenues in fiscal1999-2000 to post Rs 111 crore compared to Rs 76 crore in fiscal 1998-99. Itsnet profit zoomed by139% in the last fiscal to touch Rs 10 crore, up from Rs 4 crore in the previousfiscal. Exports contributed 88% to the total. The US contributed 91% to theexports revenue,
whilethe rest came from Europe. In exports, Y2K-related projects continued to bringin
15%. Packagedsoftware implementation brought in the largest chunk of 41%, followed by ERP22%, ecommerce 19%, datawarehousing 2% and euro currency 1%. The onsite tooffshore mix for the last fiscal was 65:35.
PRESIDENT & CEO: Avinash Lele START-UP YEAR: 1991PRODUCTS & SERVICES: Software services BRANCHES: 6 EMPLOYEES: 590ADDRESS: Janpriya Crest, 96, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai 600 008 TEL: 8241970 FAX: 821 1605 WEBSITE:
- Grew 67% to post Rs 123 crore
- Ecommerce contributed 71% to revenues
The Mumbai-based company continued to maintain itsgrowth rate in the lastfiscal, growing by 67% to post Rs 123 crore. While fiscal 1998-99 was a year ofstupendous growth bringing in a turnover of Rs 74 crore, it came down torealistic levels in the last fiscal, with the entire revenue again coming
fromexports. The onsite to offshore mix was 98:2. The US contributed 67%, whileAsia-Pacific contributed 31% and the rest came from Europe. Ecommerce garneredthe major chunk with 71%, while Y2K-related projects brought in 3%. ERPcontributed 8% to the revenue. The company also witnessed a major increase inits manpower strength, which crossed the 1,000 mark. Warburg Pincus and InsightCapital Partners invested in the company.
- Turnover grew 22%, net profit down 98%
- Operating margin down to 10%
BFLSoftware, in which Barings India Investment took a 52% stake, had an eventfulfiscal. Revenue went up by 22%, net profit dipped by 98% and operating marginfell from 34% to 10%. Also its chief executive officer quit
thecompany to start his own venture. Software
exports contributed 99.8% to thetotal turnover of Rs 121 crore. The company had a mix of 36% onsiteand 64% offshore development work. The US continued to be the largestcontributor to software exports with 89%. Asia-Pacific was the next largest with6%. Ecommerce brought in 21% of the exports revenue.
MD: R Mohan START-UP YEAR: 1992 PRODUCTS &SERVICES: Software development COLLABORATION: Barings India Investment lBRANCHES: 19 EMPLOYEES: 1,042 ADDRESS: 45/3, Gopalkrishna Complex, ResidencyRoad, Bangalore 560 025 TEL: 558 8722, 559 4223 FAX: 558 1918 WEBSITE:
Accel ICIM System & Services is the merged entityof Accel’s systems and services division and the systems and engineeringservices business of FujitsuICIM. Fujitsu ICIM’s business was taken over by Accel through its 100%subsidiary, Accel Computers, whose name was then changed to Accel ICIM Systems&
Services inSeptember 1999. The merged entity clocked revenues of Rs 120 crore in
fiscal1999-2000 through its services in hardware systems, onsite maintenance, networkintegration, systems integration and ebusiness solutions. The company opened asoftware technology park in Chennai last year. It also opened offices in Dubai,London, Sydney and Singapore with the objective of globalizing its business.
MD: NR Panicker START-UP YEAR: 1995 PRODUCTS &SERVICES: IT hardware, system services, networking, systems integration,facilities management BRANCHES: 30 ADDRESS: 124 Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai600 029
TEL: 374 1270, 374 1847 FAX: 374 1846 WEBSITE:
- Switches market share down to 87%
from 92% - Manufacturing, EOU and STP accounted for over 70% of revenue
Bangalore-based Enterasys Networks is the Indianoperation of Cabletron Systems. Globally, Cabletron is a holding company of fourorganizations–Riverstone Networks, Enterasys Networks, Global TechnologyServices and Aprisma Management. Switches were the bread and butter of thecompany in the fiscal, continuing a trend from the previous year. ThoughEnterasys’ marketshare fell from 92% in 1998-99 to 87%
in1999-2000, the company continued its plus-100% growth this year. It rode on theback of heavy corporate and government demand. Enterasys emerged the clearwinner in the high-end LAN switches segment.
COUNTRY MANAGER: Uday Birje START-UP YEAR: 1996PRODUCTS & SERVICES: Networking products, network management software,professional service BRANCHES: 2 DISTRIBUTORS: 2 EMPLOYEES: 14 ADDRESS: IndiaLiaison office, 6th floor Rochliness Center, No. 54,Richmond Road, Bangalore 560025 TEL: 559 9024, 559 9031, 559 9052 FAX: 559 9080 WEBSITE:,
- Revenue at Rs 119 crore, up 30%
- Created two centers, based on business areas
Part of Hewlett-Packard’s internet business unit,Hewlett-Packard India Software Operation (ISO) grew 30% to post revenues of Rs119 crore. The ISO is apart of the e-solutions division within the internet business unit of HP. Duringthe fiscal, the ISO operations were realigned on its business areas. Two centerswere created based on business areas. The e-solutions center
focusedon financial services, retail and telecom, while the enterprise systems andsolutions center focused on three key areas–computing chain research anddevelopment, application services and a research wing for HP Labs.
DIRECTORS: Padma Ravichander and Subrahmanyam VempatiSTART-UP YEAR: 1989 PRODUCTS & SERVICES: Software FINANCIAL COLLABORATION:Hewlett-Packard, US EMPLOYEES: 747 ADDRESS: 29, Cunningham Road, Bangalore 560052 TEL: 225 1554 FAX: 220 0196 WEBSITE:
- Revenue crossed Rs 100 crore
- Drop in growth rate
For two years since its inception, ACI grewastronomically, last fiscal was time for consolidation. The company crossed theRs 100 crore mark to grossrevenues of Rs 106 crore compared to Rs 62 crore in 1998-99. However, there wasa drop in its growth rate–from 124% during 1998-99 to 72% in 1999-2000. Thecompany worked towards expanding its business by adding more products to becomea one-stop shop for
thesystems builder channel. It also decided to increase its market penetration andworked towards strengthening its vast dealer network. However, it could haveperformed better but for the fact that its country manager Neeraj Tandon decidedto quit. The new man in is Rajesh Khullar.
COUNTRY MANAGER: Rajesh Khullar START-UP YEAR: 1997PRODUCTS & SERVICES: Storage devices, modems, packaged software AGENCYOPERATIONS: Microsoft, Seagate, Teac, LanBit DEALER OUTLETS: 230 EMPLOYEES: 39 ADDRESS: 7/13, 1st Floor, Kalkaji Extension, New Delhi 110 019TEL: 628 7550-51, 646 9721-22 FAX: 628 7553
- Turnover down 3%
- Domestic revenue up to Rs 8 lakh
Riding on the Y2K wave, Complete Business SolutionsIndia put up a great show in 1998-99 only to see it taper off in fiscal1999-2000. While in 1998-99, 66% of the revenues came from Y2K projects, in thelast fiscal, these contributed only 14%. The company’s revenue dipped 3% to Rs105 crore compared to Rs 109 crore in 1998-99. Software exports was responsiblefor the fall as it went down by 3% percent in the last fiscal. Ecommerce wasable to bring in only 10% to the
softwareexports kitty and the heavy dependence on Y2K led to the dismal performance bythe company in the last fiscal. The US was the largest contributor to theexports revenuewith 82%.
MD& PRESIDENT: VV Sundaram START-UP YEAR: 1991 PRODUCTS & SERVICES:Software development, consultancy FINANCIAL COLLABORATION: 100% subsidiary ofCBS Inc, USA EMPLOYEES: 1,248 BRANCHES: 3 ADDRESS: Unit 13, Block 2, SDFBuilding, MEPZ, Chennai 600 045 TEL: 238 3880 FAX: 236 8171 WEBSITE:
- Bagged ‘Best Partner’ award from Computer Associates
- Maximum revenue from IT and telecom
Pune-basedDatapro, involved in distribution of packaged software, bagged the ‘BestPartner’ award from Computer Associates. The company also became a nationaldistributor for Nortel Networks. Another feather in its cap was
anexclusive distributor contract from Intelogis, a developer of internet-basedmessaging and
securityproducts in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh. The company earned revenuesof Rs 100 crore in 1999-2000 compared to Rs 52 crore the previous fiscal.Datapro earned maximum revenue from its IT and telecom segment, which brought inRs 21 crore.
CMD: Rajeev Arora START-UP YEAR: 1976 PRODUCTS &SERVICES: Packaged software, software development education, and systemsintegration AGENCY OPERATIONS: APC, Microsoft, Visio, Corel, CA, and CitrixDEALER OUTLETS: 1,400 BRANCHES: 12 EMPLOYEES: 396 ADDRESS: 101 Datapro House,Coin Tea Lane, Off Turner Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050 TEL: 640 2874, 6402785, 640 0987 FAX: 642 4721, 642 9218 WEBSITE: