
FC Kohli

DQI Bureau
New Update


Father of Indian software

Widely credited as the father of Indian Software Industry, Fakir Chand Kohli
has secured a place in the Indian IT annals of history. Kohli started off as an

engineer with Tata Power Company and rose through the ranks to become the deputy

general manager. It was then that he was offered the reigns of Tata's

fledgling IT company, TCS, in 1969. Over the next two decades and more Kohli

shaped the destiny of TCS. He was the first to talk about Tandem, first to

import an IBM 3090, to maintain that mainframes are not dead, and to question

the openness of open systems-even before most of the world addressed these

concerns. He continues to work on projects that will spread computing in the

country, and in recent years has been focussing on hardware and

